“You stupid bitch,” he growled before he dove at me, but he must have been dazed from all my blows to his head.

I easily dodged him, sticking out my foot to trip his silly ass just for the fun of it.

It was unimaginably satisfying watching him tumble toward the ground.

And then I did to him one of many unforgivable things he’d done to me, something I never said shit to anybody else about. I was so glad I had chosen my heavy black combat boots to wear today as I reared my foot back and kicked him right in the torso, again and again until he begged me to stop.

“You didn’t,” I said, gleefully moving to stomp his damn face in before I remembered I still hadn’t gotten my answers.

I took a step back from him, making sure I was out of range for him to grab me before I reached to pull a knife from my boot. I flicked it open, pointing it at him.

“And now you’re going to tell me what I want to know. Or I’m going to carve your balls off and put them down your throat.”

“Stop,” he insisted, raising his hands in front of them as he gingerly pulled himself up.

I smirked.

I felt and heard the crack, so I knew at least one of his ribs was broken. He wouldn’t be making any sudden movements.

“Who do you work for?” I asked again, no sympathy for him as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

“You already know the answer to that.”

“Let’s pretend I don’t,” I snapped. “Start talking.”

His gaze flitted around the room as if he thought there was some escaping, but he quickly realized that wasn’t the case. “I’m never getting out of here, am I?” he asked.

“That’s up to you. Tell me what you were doing for Rojas.”

It was a stab in the dark.

A hunch, more than anything.

There was no best or worst that could happen, only confirmation or denial, and with the way Kev’s head dropped in acceptance, opposed to lifting in defiance eager to tell me I was wrong, I knew the answer.

“TheRenegadoswere running out of money. Manuel is an asshole, so they were losing clients, suppliers, all that. He’s only a big fish in Vegas, so nobody was willing to stick their neck out to save them.”

My eyes narrowed. “I’ve never heard anything about theRenegadoshaving financial problems.”

“Because it was kept on the low,” Kev sputtered. “He brought me in to try to help figure the mess out, but… it was all fucked up. So… he was gonna run.”


“He didn’t tell me that directly, but that’s what he was going to do. He had me setting up offshore accounts and shit, tax shelters, all of it, with money that wasn’t really his to do that. But then he got an investor.”

“Who?” I asked, eyebrows high. “Who stuck their neck out?”

“The deposits came from France; that’s all I know, I swear,” he insisted. “I just deal with numbers. But… I’ve overheard conversations, so I know… Rojas bit off more than he could chew. Whoever his partner is… he’s scared of him. That’s why I was going overseas… to get things ready for him, so he’d have funds while he was there. If you’d just come with me like I—”

“Have you lost your mind?” I questioned, already knowing the answer. “Iknowyou’re not implying if I’d just gone on a trip with you, you wouldn’t have raped me.”

“Iasked you—”

“FUCK YOU!” I snapped, shaking my head.

The next words out of his mouth… were like they happened in a damn vacuum.

“I already did.”