Page 21 of Force of Gravity

“Says the biggest douche bag of them all.”

“An asshole, absolutely. Douche bag, fuck no.”

“Pretty sure you fuck everything that walks, therefore, you are most definitely a douche bag.”

“Pretty sure that makes me a whore, not a douche bag. Now, you better keep your voice down or you’re going to blow our cover.” He holds a finger to his lips.

“Jesus. Will you just get us a couple coffees so we can get the hell out of here?” Brennon squeezes his temples like he’s seconds away from having an aneurysm from all of our arguing.

“Gladly.” I turn, not bothering to ask what either of them wants as I start whipping their coffees together, an act that doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Aren’t you going to ask what we want?”

“Double shot of espresso for Brennon. Coffee black, two sweeteners for you,” I call over my shoulder.

“How the hell did you know that?” he asks, seeming impressed that I know how he takes his coffee.

“Um, you’ve practically lived at my house since third grade. You think I wouldn’t know how you take your coffee.” I roll my eyes, turning to set both cups on the counter. “On the house,” I say to Atlas directly. “You could have really messed me up back there. Thanks for having my back.”

“You’re welcome.” He grins, that evil glint in his eye catching my attention. “I’ll be sure to let you know when you can return the favor.”

With that, he turns and exits the shop, leaving my brother, who throws a wave over his shoulder as he turns to follow after him.

Dear lord, what the hell did I just do?

It’s bad enough that, in my attempt to shut Atlas up yesterday, I blurted out the fact that I had screwed Wesley, a little fact I did not want him or my brother to know, leaving me already indebted to the asshole. Now this...

I can only imagine what he’s going to ask for in return.

But one thing I do know for sure, Atlas Keaton never lets a debt go unsettled. I learned that the hard way a long time ago.


“Babe!” Atlas whinesthe minute I step inside the apartment. “I’ve missed you so much, sweet girlfriend of mine.” He raises his arms up from the couch like he’s waiting for me to climb into them, which we both know isn’t going to happen.

The last thing I’m in the mood for is more of his bullshit. But he did save my ass earlier, so I made myself a promise on my way home to try to at least be civil to him. We’ll see how long that lasts.

“Don’t start,” I grumble, rolling my eyes as I kick the door shut and turn to lock it behind me.

“Rough day at work, sweetie?” He pouts out his bottom lip.

I swear, if he didn’t look so stupidly cute, I might want to slice that lip off with a machete. Wow, that turned violent quick...

“I’m trying really hard not to say what I really wanna say right now. How about you not push your luck?” I drop my bag next to the couch before plopping down on the opposite end from Atlas. “Where’s Brennon?”

“Study group.”

“Study group?” I look at him like he’s grown a second head.

“Yeah, I thought the same thing when he said that. But then I found out some cute raven haired girl was involved and...”

“Say no more,” I cut him off, sinking further into the couch in an effort to relieve the stiffness in my lower back. From walking the crazy distance between classes, to being on my feet for six hours at work, I’m in desperate need of one of my mom’s famous back rubs. Unfortunately, my mom is three thousand miles away, a thought that brings down my mood even further.

“You okay?” Atlas shifts toward me.

“Fine, why?”

“Because you’re sitting in the same room as me and not trying to tear my face off.”