Page 20 of Force of Gravity

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“This is your brother,” Travis says as he makes his way back toward the counter.

“Present.” My brother, having no idea who he’s talking to, gives him a little chin lift as if to saywhat’s up.

It’s like slow motion... “So that must mean,” his gaze slides to Atlas, “that you’re the boyfriend.”

Seriously... The first real lie I tell in years and I couldn’t even keep it going two minutes. I want to crawl into a hole and die right freaking now.

Fuck you, universe. I hope you’re having a really good laugh at my expense right now.

Atlas’s gaze cuts to me, a mixture of humor and confusion on his face. But when his eyes meet mine, he must see something there because without hesitation he nods, as if to sayI got you.

“That’d be me.” He smiles, his attention going back to Travis.

I swear to god my heart nearly caves in on itself. I love you, Atlas freaking Keaton. Okay, not really. I still hate you. But right now, I freaking love you. Though I have no doubt you’re going to make me pay for this later.

My eyes go from Atlas to my brother, who’s watching this all unfold with a look of bewilderment on his face. Even still, he’s smart enough to pick up that, for whatever reason, I need him to play along.

“Sorry, guys this is Travis.” I say his name slowly, hoping to somehow telepathically transmit that this is the Travis I was supposed to go on a date with tonight. “Travis, this is my brother, Brennon.” I wave my hand toward my twin. “And my boyfriend, Atlas.” I narrow my gaze at Atlas when I say his name.

“Nice to meet you, Travis.” Atlas offers Travis his hand, which he hesitantly takes. And then he does something I never would’ve expected. He pulls Travis halfway across the counter so that his mouth is level with Travis’s ear. “I’m counting onyouto take really good care of my girl, Travis.” He squeezes his hand so hard that Travis grimaces. “Anyone fucks with her, they answer to me. Yeah?” He abruptly releases Travis, who stumbles backward, a look of shock and horror on his face.

“I...uh... I have some stuff to take care of in the back. It was nice meeting you guys,” he stutters out, turning and practically running into the backroom.

“What the fuck was that?” I practically yell. Yes, I needed him to not out my lie. No, I didn’t need him to threaten someone I have to work with every day.

“What? Did I read that wrong? Seemed to me like you were trying to make a point. I helped make it.”

“You didn’t have to be such a dick.”

Even as I say it, I can’t help the smile that slides across my face.

“You’re welcome.” He winks, that cocky smirk of his pulling at his mouth.

“Does someone want to fill me in on what the fuck just happened?” It’s clear my brother hasn’t caught on.

“I’ll explain later. Let’s just say, I agreed to go on a date with him, then changed my mind.”

“So you said you were dating Atlas?”

“It was the first excuse I could think of without outright saying I didn’t want to go out with him. I didn’t expect you two to walk in the door a minute after I told him. This is why I don’t lie. It always comes back to bite me in the ass.” I huff.

“Why were you lying to begin with?”

“As I said, I’ll explain later. It’s a long story.”

“Sothatwas date guy?” Atlas points toward the door that Travis disappeared through moments ago. “Seems like your type.” He snorts.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look at the guy. Did you see the way he trembled when I threatened him? Figures you would go for a little sissy.”

“He’s not that bad.”

Okay, someone explain to me why I’m defending Travis. Hello, Barlow! He’s the bad guy, remember?

“He’s a total fucking douche bag,” Atlas counters.