Page 22 of Force of Gravity

“I’m too tired to evenwantto tear your face off,” I admit, letting my eyes flutter closed.

While Atlas and I go at it like cats and dogs, we have had shared pockets of time over the years where we almost get along. It’s rare. But it does happen from time to time. A nice comment from him, some helpful advice from me. Don’t worry, we usually go back to hating each other within the day, but every now and again it’s nice to exist without all the bickering and fighting.

“You wanna tell me what that was about today, with that guy I mean?”

“Not really.”

“Oh come on. I pretended to be your boyfriend, for Christ’s sake. The least you can do is give me the goods.”

“You’re impossible.” My eyelids open and I force myself into a more upright position, tucking my legs underneath myself. “Short version. Travis turned out to be a total asshat and someone was kind enough to fill me in before I made the mistake of going out with him.”

“Okay, that was vague. So what was the reason for the lie? Why not just say you changed your mind?”

“I was trying to protect the person that told me. Saying I had a boyfriend seemed like the easiest way to let him down and keep the focus off of her.”

“And I was the first person you thought of?”

“To be fair, you’re the only man, besides him and my brother, that I know in Washington. My options were limited.”

“You could have just made someone up.”

“I was on the spot, okay? I didn’t have much time to think it through. You satisfied now?”

“Mildly.” He grins and even though I try to fight it, one slips across my lips.

“Such a dick,” I mutter, smile still firmly in place.

“Not so much of a dick that you won’t pretend to be my girlfriend.” He chuckles. “So this guy, what’d he do? To the girl.”

“Charmed her. Fucked her. Then pretended like it never happened.”

“Ouch.” He flattens his palm against his chest.

“Like you haven’t done the same thing.” I give him a knowing look.

“Hell no, I haven’t. Charm them, yes. Fuck them, hell yes. Lie to them about what I want from them or lead them on, never. That’s not my jam.”

“Yeah right.” I snort.

“I’m serious.”

“You mean to tell me that every girl you’ve slept with has done so knowing you didn’t want anything but sex?”

“Yes.” He nods.

“I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Why, because you’re incapable of a casual hookup?”

“No.” I shake my head. Obviously, I’m not.

“So why is it so hard to believe that a woman wouldn’t be okay having a casual hookup with me?”

“I don’t know.” The palms of my hands start to sweat and suddenly the room feels too warm. Truth is, I do know why I think that. I just don’t want to tell him why.

“Barlow, tell me.” His tone is pressing but not harsh. “I’m the epitome of the kind a man a woman shouldonlywant sex from.”

“You would think so.” I shrug.