Page 102 of What Comes After

“I will,” I promise, feeling all sorts of flustered when he releases me and takes a full step back.

“You ready?” John steps up next to me.

“Ready.” I reach for my suitcase, throwing Abel a smile and a small wave as I turn and follow John toward security.


“So, a new boyfriend, huh?” John gives me a sideways glance as we sit next to each other at the hotel bar, enjoying an evening cocktail.

We arrived in New York early this morning and spent a good portion of the day exploring. Diego, John’s partner of sorts, has been here several times and proved to be a rather handy tour guide to have around. And while I enjoyed my first day in the Big Apple, I haven’t been able to shake Abel from my thoughts.

Him showing up at my house unannounced to take me to the airport. The way he introduced himself as my boyfriend. How he kissed me in the middle of the airport lobby without a care in the world who saw. It got the wheels turning and ever since then I haven’t been able to get them to stop.

“Yeah.” I smile, the thought of Abel as myboyfriendmaking it impossible not to.

For all I know, he just said that for show. We haven’t actually discussed what we are beyond that first night when we agreed to keep things casual. And even though I know I should ask Abel about it, I’m not ready to come off of this high I’m feeling just yet.

“When did that happen?” John asks, taking a sip of his scotch and water.

“Like four weeks ago.”

“Four weeks and you haven’t told me?” He draws back playfully, his palm flattened against his chest.

“We’ve been keeping it low key.” I shrug.

“Well, it didn’t seem that way this morning when he practically pissed all over your leg.”

“What?” I bark out a laugh.

“I’m just saying, I know when a man is marking his territory and he was marking you good.”

“He was not.”

“Oh yes, he most definitely was.”

“Why would he feel the need to do that with my boss, though?” I wonder aloud.

“Because I’m a man,” he states the obvious.

“But you’re my boss.”

“And, you think they’re aren’t bosses out there that hook up with their employees?” He gives me a look that says I should know better.

“But you’re not that kind of boss,” I point out.

“No, but he doesn’t know that now, does he? Besides,” he takes a long drink, setting the glass back on the bar in front of him. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted.”

“Tempted?” I question, my eyes making a quick pass around the room in search of Diego. He stepped out to make a phone call and has been gone for quite some time. While I adore John as a boss, I’m starting to feel this conversation might be going somewhere I don’t want it to and I could really use a buffer.

“You’re beautiful, Peyton. You know you are.”

“John.” I raise my hand to stop him.

“I’m not hitting on you,” he promises. “As much as I wish Icouldbe that kind of boss, I’m just not. I didn’t get to where I am by mixing business and pleasure.”

Thank goodness for that.I release the breath I was holding.

“But I will say this. He’s one lucky guy. I just hope he realizes it.”