Page 101 of What Comes After

“So you’re flying back on Monday, right?” Abel breaks the silence as he pulls into the airport.

“Yes. I think my flight gets in around noon.”

“Do you want me to pick you up?” he asks.

“If you want to.” I try to sound indifferent.

“I do.”

“Okay. I can text you the exact time once I get to the hotel and have a chance to look at my return flight details.”

“Sounds good.”

“You know, you don’t have to walk me in,” I say as he drives past the drop off area into the parking lot.

“I know. I want to.”

“Okay.” I have to fight the ridiculous smile that’s threatening to split my face apart. He finds a spot relatively close and throws the car in park before killing the engine. By the time I get out of the car, Abel already has my suitcase out of the trunk and is waiting for me.

Grabbing the suitcase handle with one hand, he reaches out with the other, sliding his fingers around mine before leading me toward the airport.

As we approach the doors, a wave of anxiety washes over me and I instantly want to ask him to take me back home.

“You seem nervous,” he observes, guiding me inside.


“You’ll be fine,” he reassures me, squeezing my hand.

“I’m a nervous flyer. I’ll be okay once I’m in the air.”

“Peyton.” My attention is drawn behind me when I hear my name being called. I turn just in time to see John speed walking toward me. “Hey.” He smiles when he reaches me. “You made it.” His eyes slide to Abel and I don’t miss the way his brow furrows.

“I did.” I pull his gaze back to me.

Abel shifts next to me.

“Abel, this is my boss, John. John, this is Abel...”

“Her boyfriend,” Abel interrupts me, releasing my suitcase to extend his hand to John.

I watch the interaction with wide eyes, still trying to decide if I actually heard him right. Did he just introduce himself as my boyfriend?

“Nice to meet you, Abel.” John shakes Abel’s hand, his gaze once again falling to me. “I didn’t realize Peyton was seeing anyone.”

“It’s still new,” I explain. Not that I really owe him an explanation. But Abel’s little announcement has me feeling a bit off kilter.

“I see.” John nods. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Abel.” He looks between the two of us, his eyes eventually settling on me. “We should probably get going,” he tells me.

“Yeah, okay.” I shift, turning toward Abel. “Thanks again for the ride.”

“I’ll pick you up on Monday,” he tells me, grabbing my forearm before tugging me toward him. His arms wrap around me, securing me in a tight cocoon that I never want to leave.

I inhale his scent, knowing how much I’m going to miss it while I’m gone. How much I’m going to miss him. And while I know I will only be out of town for four days, four days without Abel feels like an eternity.

Abel pulls back slightly and tips my chin up, laying a light kiss to my mouth right in front of my boss.

“Call me when you land.” He kisses me again.