“Me too,” I mutter under my breath as I lift the wine glass to my lips and empty the remainder of the contents into my mouth.
“There you are,” John says, his eyes moving to somewhere behind me. I turn to see Diego reclaim the seat to my left.
“Sorry, Natasha was having trouble getting Em down so I had to read her a story.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” I smile at him. “How old is she now, three?”
“Yep. As beautiful as her mama and as crazy as her pops.” He chuckles.
“Sounds like you could use another drink.” John signals the bartender for another round.
“None for me. I think I’m going to call it a night. Waking up at three this morning has me dragging.” I slide out of my stool, grabbing my purse from the bar. “What’s the game plan for tomorrow? I know we have a luncheon.”
“Yeah, meet me in the lobby at eleven.”
“Okay.” I nod to him and then to Diego. “You two have fun,” I tell them. “And don’t drink too much.”