“Because sex is very important. Just wait, you’ll see.” Her gaze flips behind me and an instant smile takes over her face.

I know the boys are heading our way before I even turn around and see them approaching. The second I do, I swear all the wind leaves my body. Sebastian is dressed in a plain white tee with dark jeans, his blond hair still wet from the shower, a cocky smile pulling up one side of his mouth as he closes the distance between us.

“There’s my girl,” he says, swooping me up the second he reaches me. Once again, my feet leave the ground as he secures me against his chest. “You miss me?”

“Miss you? I just saw you fifteen minutes ago.” I giggle when he drops his face to my neck and breathes in. “God, you smell good.” He pulls back and something intense flashes through his eyes.

My stomach bottoms out, and that tight coil in my lower belly returns with a vengeance. One look—that’s all it ever takes with Sebastian.

“So do you.” I run a hand through his messy wet hair.

“Are you two about done yet?” We both turn our heads toward Ant’s voice. He’s standing next to Court, arm draped across her shoulders, looking at us like we couldn’t be any more annoying.

“Not quite,” Sebastian answers, his eyes back on me. “Why don’t you ride with Courtney, and Tess and I will meet you guys atPerchatellies?” he suggests, lowering me to my feet but not taking his gaze off me.

“If it means I don’t have to watch you two, hell yes. Come on, Court,” I hear him say, followed by the opening of a car door.

“We’ll see you there, Tess,” Courtney calls out, and this time I give her my attention, nodding, and throwing her a small wave before Sebastian is leading me toward the back of the parking lot.

“So, how was it?” he asks, looking down at me as we make our way to his Jeep. “Your first game I mean?”

“Incredible.” I smile up at him. “You wereincredible.”

“Well, I had some motivation.” He winks, pulling open the passenger side door of the Jeep the second we reach it. He waits until I’m firmly planted inside before shutting it and crossing to the driver’s side.

“Did you now?” I continue the conversation as soon as he’s settled in next to me.

“Hell yes. I had the most beautiful girl in the whole school cheering me on, and I had to make her proud.”

“Really, sounds like a pretty lucky girl,” I tease.

“Not nearly as lucky as I am.” He throws me a wink as he backs the Jeep out of its parking spot.

“I think that depends on who you ask.” I wait until he’s pulling out of the parking lot before responding. “And I was—proud of you I mean. You were amazing out there. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I love it.” He shrugs, his gaze focused on the road.

“Do you think you might want to try to go pro one day?” I ask, not missing the way he shifts next to me.

“I don’t know. I doubt it. I mean, I love the game and I definitely want to play college ball, but I’m not sure I love it enough to try to make it a career. The life of a pro athlete is too uncertain.”

“Then why play college ball? Isn’t that usually the end goal? To play pro?” I ask, just wanting to understand better.

“Not always. A lot of players do it to help pay tuition. Playing college ball gives me the freedom to go to school where I want and not where my parents’ think I should go. If I get a scholarship to play ball then it takes away all their power.”

“Where do they want you to go?”

“Ivy league. My father thinks that’s the only way to get a good education. But I don’t agree, and I have no desire to follow in his footsteps.”

“So where do you want to go?” I ask, for the first time realizing just how short our time together actually is.

It’s nearly September. Sebastian will graduate in May and then comes college. I, on the other hand, am stuck here for another year at least.

“I want to go somewhere South. I’ve applied to LSU and Miami so far, but I think I’ll also submit to Georgia and Alabama just in case my first two choices don’t work out.”

“Why South?”

“Because they have amazing football and educational programs. I mean, there’s more colleges, they’re all over the country, but I’ve always pictured myself playing at LSU; that’s my top pick.”