“So, what did you think?” Courtney asks as I follow her out to the parking lot.

“It was amazing,” I say, still not down from the high I feel after watching Sebastian lead his team to a 35-0 shutout victory.

To say he’s amazing would never do that boy justice. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen someone so naturally talented before. The way he commanded that team, the field, all of it—it’s comparable to how he controls my heart—effortless.

“See, I knew you’d love it.” She gives me her typicalI told you soface—lips pursed, eyes narrowed.

“How could I not?” I stop next to Courtney’s car but make no attempt to climb inside.

We’re not leaving yet anyway. We told the boys we’d meet them out here after they got changed so we could all ride over to the restaurant together.

“Sebastian was incredible out there. To see the entire stadium cheering formyboyfriend…” I hold my hand over my chest, words failing me.

“Ourboyfriends,” Courtney adds, and it takes several beats for me to catch on to what she’s saying.

“Wait—you’re official?” I squeak, beyond excited for my best friend who has put up with enough of her fair share from Ant over the past few weeks.

“As of ten minutes ago.” Her smile is so wide it practically stretches from ear to ear.

“That’s what he whispered to you as he was leaving the field?” I question.

Even though Sebastian had stopped by to lay a celebratory kiss to my lips and I was a bit pre-occupied, I still managed to pick up on the quick interaction that took place between Court and Ant, leaving my confident friend looking rather winded. I was too distracted at the time to address it, but now I can see why for a brief moment she looked like she might faint. She probably thought this day would never come. Lord knows I didn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, Ant seems like an okay guy, and I know that Sebastian is really close to him, but the way he’s been stringing Court along has put a bit of a bad taste in my mouth where he’s concerned. Maybe now he can redeem himself.

Courtney nods excitedly, biting down on her bottom lip.

“Congratulations.” I immediately pull her in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you,” I say over her shoulder before releasing her and taking a step back. “It’s about time.”

“Girl, you’re telling me.” She blows out a breath. “I was starting to believe this was my life, chasing after a guy who had no intention of taking things to the next level. I’ve gotta be honest, I was nearing my breaking point.”

“I could tell,” I respond truthfully.

I know Courtney better than anyone, and while some may be blinded by her tough exterior, I know that deep down she’s just as sensitive as me—maybe even more so—though she would never admit it.

“This is so amazing. Look at us, dating best friends who are also both stars on the football team. This is going to be one hell of a school year,” she practically sings. “We can double date, go to homecoming together, spend our weekends hanging at Sebastian’s. Then there’s prom, of course.”

“You’re getting a little ahead of yourself there aren’t ya?” I laugh, shaking my head. “Sebastian and I are so new; I don’t know that I’d be making plans for prom when school just started.”

“Shut up, you two are going to be together forever.” She swipes her hand through the air.

“Cause that’s not premature or anything.” I roll my eyes at her, even though deep down a part of me feels like I could do forever with Sebastian.

“Whatever. You’re crazy about that boy, and he’s just as crazy about you. Look at you.” She points to the smile on my face that’s always there anytime we talk about Sebastian. “You’re already head over heels, and you probably don’t even know it.”

“It’s only been two weeks.” I try to deny my feelings even though I know she’s got me spot on.

“People fall in love after an hour.”

“Yeah, in the movies,” I retort.

“Go ahead, deny it all you want. You forget I know you. I’m not saying you’re ready to start writing wedding vows or anything, but you’re definitely falling for him.”

“So what if I am? You’re just as into Ant.”

“The difference between you and me is that I own that shit, too. Hell yes, I’m into Anthony. Have you seen that boy? Besides, he’s killer in bed.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

“Here we go.” I laugh. “It always comes back to sex.”