“Well, they’d be crazy not to want you,” I say, ignoring the sudden heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Thank you.” He throws me a sideways smile, reaching over to squeeze my thigh. “What about you, you know where you want to go to school after you graduate next year?” he asks.

“Columbia,” I answer without hesitation.

“Wow. Just like that. Not an ounce of hesitation.” He chuckles.

“I’ve always wanted to live in New York. I’ve known for as long as I can remember that, that’s where I want to go school. My dad went to Columbia. It’s how he met my mom. She was a nursing student and doing her clinical hours at the hospital not far from campus. My dad came into the ER needing stitches in his knee after he busted it open jumping off a second story landing at a frat party.” I chuckle at the story my mom has told me at least a hundred times.

“Sounds like he was my kinda guy.” Sebastian picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. “So Columbia it is…”

“Well, if I can get in.”

“You will.”

“How do you know?” I ask, my eyes locked on the side of Sebastian’s face.

He slows the vehicle, pulling into the parking lot ofPerchatellies, not bothering to answer my question until he’s parked. He shuts off the engine before turning toward me.

“Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the short time I’ve known you it’s that you are extremely smart and driven. If you say Columbia is where you’re going, I have no doubt that’s exactly where you’ll end up.”

“I wish I shared your optimism.” I force a smile.

“There you go again.” He reaches over and tugs on the end of my braid. “Always doubting yourself.”

“Sorry.” I blow out a breath, knowing he’s right. It’s something I know I need to work on.

“One day, Tessa Wilson, you’re going to see what the rest of the world does, and I hope like hell I’m around when that day comes.”

“Planning on going somewhere?” I cock my head to the side, eyes questioning.

“Not a fucking chance.” He smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to my mouth.

Per usual, the second our lips meet, what was meant to be a quick, innocent kiss morphs into something else entirely. It’s like there’s this live wire that dances between us, and the second we connect we spark an electrical current that’s impossible to break.

I shift in my seat, seconds away from crawling into Sebastian’s lap when a loud knock sounds against the driver’s side window.

Like being doused in cold water, we instantly break apart, both of your gazes turning toward the window.

“Let’s go,” I hear Ant, followed by another pound.

“We’re coming,” Sebastian hollers back before his gaze once again locks on me. “Remind me again why the hell I’m friends with that douche bag,” Sebastian groans, sliding his thumb against my now semi-swollen bottom lip.

“I don’t know.” I barely get the words out, my pulse still vibrating through me. “But we should probably go,” I say, resisting the urge to suck his thumb into my mouth.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“Yeah, you’re probably right. To be continued…”

“To be continued,” I agree, pushing open the passenger door and climbing out.

The second my feet hit the pavement I spot Court and Ant waiting at the back the Jeep, arms draped around each other.

I smile at my friend, loving how happy she looks.

“Who else is meeting us here?” I hear Sebastian ask just as I step around the Jeep and join them.

“I think most of the team—looks like a few are already here.” Ant gestures to all the cars in the parking lot of the old family-owned pizza parlor. “You guys ready?”