Page 45 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-eight

After they consumed the perfect meal and the warm apple crumble for dessert, all four adults sat to visit for an hour. Eventually, Kurt noticed the exhaustion spread over Ruby’s face and glanced at Brian with a questioning look.

While Molly kept Ruby’s attention, Brian leaned over to him and spoke softly. “She’s still under the effects of the medication I gave her earlier. It was a mild dose of acetaminophen, but she warned me she’s very sensitive to drugs. It would be best to settle her here for the night and by morning, she should be feeling better.”

“How about the baby?”

“Any trauma to a pregnancy can be harmful but she’s not complaining of pain in the stomach, or nausea, other than being careful of her food intake. I wouldn’t think she should be alone in case things shift. Keep her laying down and quiet for at least the next twelve hours and see how she feels.”

Soon after, Brian left saying exactly what he’d told Kurt to both Molly and Ruby. In seconds, Molly took charge.

“Kurt, help Ruby back to bed. She’ll be staying with me tonight. I’ll bring in a nightie and a new toothbrush for her to use.”

Not answering, ignoring Ruby’s sputtering, he lifted her in his arms and headed back up the hallway. “Quit snarling or you’ll hurt Molly’s feelings. She’s worried about you and staying here is the best answer.”

“But I need to go to work in the morning.”

“Afraid you’ll have to call in and tell them you stuck your nose in a catfight and got injured.”

“Oh, you – you’re impossible. Put me down. I can walk.”

“Nah! I kinda like carrying you around. You’re light as a child but one that squalls when she doesn’t get her own way.” Kurt laughed, enjoying her fake frustration.

Kurt left the room to Molly when she returned with Ruby’s night gear. “I’ll be staying here with you both tonight. I’ll take the couch.”

“Why? Is there something I should know?”

“Not really. I’d just feel better in case she needs help during the night.”

Molly’s slightly evil grin teased. “Suit yourself, you will anyway. I’m off to my room. Call if you need me.”

Kurt knocked and entered to find Ruby in her lacy white bra, struggling to take off her jeans.

“Let me help you.”

“No. Go away. I can do it.”

“Sure, and you’ll fall face first and injure yourself worse. Why didn’t you get Molly to help?” He walked into the room and headed her way. “Stand still.”

Ruby pushed his hands away. “She asked but I said I could do it myself.”

“Well, you can’t. Sit down.” He pushed her gently toward the chair and she sat. He crouched down and added, “Lift your legs so we can get these off.”

She hissed and he ignored her fury. “Come on. You’re shivering. Here put the damn nightie on then and let me take off these jeans. You’re pale and shaking. We need to get you into bed.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” She snarled her words quietly, but he heard them and laughed.

“If you weren’t so bristly, I wouldn’t like you near as much.”

Him saying that seemed to be the magic words. She quieted down immediately and did as he said. Within seconds he lifted her into his arms. “Do you need to use the bathroom?”

“Yes, please.”

He waited outside the door and when it opened, he scooped her up and in seconds was tucking the blankets around her form. “There you go. All nice and cozy for the night.”

Ruby couldn’t seem to help herself with the sarcasm. “You going to tell me a story too?”

“Sure.” Grinning, he pushed in beside her, forcing her to scoot over, and rubbed his hands over his thighs. “Once upon a time there was a naughty little redheaded girl who liked this really good-looking kid a lot. So much so that she kept being mean to him, growling and spitting like a wildcat. But he knew she liked him too so that boy just showered her with nice words and kind deeds and—”