Page 44 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-seven

Ruby’s chest felt like it would explode. Why did her big mouth have to spill all her secrets to Kurt when she’d originally had no intentions of saying anything? He was the last person she needed to deal with in this situation. She had no answers to the questions she saw written all over his face.

Warm, strong arms were the only reason she could think of for blabbing. The wonder of his cuddling must have rattled her brain. Truth be told, she hadn’t felt this good in a long time. If he never moved away it would be too soon.

Therefore, it was time to get her shit together and build up that wall again before he got too close. This wasn’t a good time to start mooning over some dude when she already had enough in her life to deal with. Chrissakes, she was having some strange man’s baby. The more she made herself accept it, the more she wanted to hit something.

‘One day’ had been her mantra for many years. One day, she’d get married and maybe… just maybe… one day they’d have a kid. How could everything get so twisted?

Pulling away from Kurt’s tenderness, she hitched her breath and swung her legs to the side of the bed. When she went to stand, her right side gave way, and she’d have fallen if he hadn’t shifted fast enough to grab her, and it shocked her quiet. She’d been around a lot of action in her line of work, but she’d never seen anyone move that fast.

He forced her back against the cushions and held her there. “Stop struggling. You need to stay still until we see what Doc Philips has to say.”

Mutiny in her expression, she muttered. “He said to rest.”

“Okay. Then you have to do as he says.”

“I did. For over an hour.” She needed to get away from this man. Everything about him screamed sex appeal, and in her weakened condition, she might beg him to kiss her, hold her close, and never let her go.

Kurt lifted both hands to gently clear the hair away from her face. “Everything’s going to go okay, baby. I’m here and I’m not going away. We’ll get to the bottom of your conflicts. I have contacts through my job with the FBI that I can use to get information.”

Interest peaking, she leaned her forehead against his chest. God, please, let him be able to help her. She’d never felt so alone in her life. There had to be answers out there somewhere. Something or someone had impregnated her for whatever reason. She needed to know.

“I’ll do anything to find out who fathered this child and how. All I know is it most likely happened while I was at a spa for the weekend. At least, if the timing is correct, that’s the most likely period.”

Molly showed up at the door, knocked, and said, “Dinner’s ready. Kurt, can you help Molly to the table. Brian’s going to stay and eat too.”

Ruby knew how much Kurt loved this meal and didn’t want to intrude. “You go ahead. I’m fine here.”

Without saying a word, Kurt swung from the bed, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to the dining room. There, he set her down in the chair next to his, and the battle had been lost before it ever begun.