Page 46 of Special Agent Storm

Interrupting, Ruby pretended to snore. “ZZZZ.”

Kurt laughed. “You’re right. It was pretty bad.”

Becoming serious, Ruby asked a question that Kurt hadn’t expected. “How soon can you check the FBI database on cases like mine? After you told me you had contacts, it’s been on my mind. There must be answers somewhere, right? I mean, people like me don’t just have this kind of thing happen out of the blue for no reason.”

“You’re right. I’ll start first thing when I get back to the office. Look, I know you’re upset, and I don’t blame you, but you need to keep a clear head about the situation so when someone from the Bureau comes to get your statement, you can remember.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. There’s nothing to remember. I haven’t been in a relationship or with a man for over a year. Nor has anyone gotten me drunk and had their way with me. The only time I recall being the least bit out of things was when I got the massage at the spa. Yet when I looked into booking again, pretending I wanted the same therapist, they told me that girl had left months ago, and they had no forwarding address. They wouldn’t give me any other information about her.”

“You tried to follow up?”

“Of course, I did. When I couldn’t get anywhere, I told Don, you met him. He’s the Police Chief. He got about as much as I did from the people at the resort. Other than having a stalker and my house being broken into, it’s a dead end.”

Kurt let her talk until she finally wound down. He listened as she explained how hearing her baby’s heartbeat had blown her mind but had convinced her of the truth. He understood the distressing effects it would have on a woman, being violated in the worst way possible and having no memory of it happening.

“I’ll do whatever I can, Ruby. You have my word.”

She swiveled to stare into his face, and her own, backlit by the nightlight, resembled that of a perplexed angel. Her disheveled hair shone with golden strands streaming through the lovely red that caught his eye the first time he’d seen her.

Her gray eyes dazzling with green flames captivated. And the neckline of the soft bluey-green, old-fashioned nightie hung low so the creamy skin on her chest invited.

His lips craved to taste that flesh. And his arms yearned to hold her under him while he made love to every inch of her body. Oh Lord, he’d made a huge mistake getting so close. He should have known better. He’d be suffering all night long with unquenched desires, silly bastard that he was.

When he started to inch away, she reached out. Before he could get serious about leaving, she’d leaned over and placed her inviting body close. Her whispered teasing words were the end of his good intentions.

“Might as well do the crime if I have to do the time. Right?” Then she kissed him, and all plans to escape ended. Just like the first time she’d kissed him, her lips seared his mouth. The experience once again became a moment to be reckoned with. This dangerous little lady could be the end of his bachelor tendencies.

Her mouth opened slowly, teasingly, as if to show him it would be her choice if he’d be welcome to enter. Playfully, he let his lips caress her mouth before his tongue made an entrance. When he couldn’t hold back another moment, it was like sheer heaven. The heat and taste would never leave him. Seared into his memory, he couldn’t get enough.

But he needed to slow down. She was fragile. Best to let her take the lead, since she might not be capable of doing much more than this with her hip still bruised and sore. No way would he want to take advantage or hurt her more.

She seemed to like having his mouth glued to hers and if her arching his way was any indication, she wanted him more invested. Slowly, he brought her closer, so their bodies were touching fully. She was now lying on top of him, with one leg wrapped around his thighs. The nightie had risen, and her naked legs and hips were close and visible.

With his kisses deepening, his hands left her face to travel slowly down her body and reach for the heaven awaiting. Her skin was like satin, smooth and warm. He loved the feel of her as she moved to accommodate his hand.


As she continued to kiss him, she began to softly moan her pleasure. Sighing with satisfaction when he sought her core and gently worked his fingers inside, Ruby never wanted the sheer satisfaction to end.

To give him easier access, she shifted, and the cry escaped before she could bite it back.

Dammit. It was too late to undo the sound of her pain.

He stopped. His heavy breathing showed a man totally involved and yet she felt him gently move her aside as he slid out from under her body. “Honey, we’re moving too fast for you. You’re in pain. I can’t take advantage.”

“No! Don’t stop. I want this – you.” Hearing the words as they left her mouth broke into her fog, and she stopped instantly. She’d beg no man.

“Believe me, baby. I want to continue more than I want to breathe right now, but it’s wrong. You’re injured. And I can’t take any chances that we might worsen your hip or hurt the baby.”

Stiffening, pulling herself together, she tried to bite off the whimper as she yanked the blankets back over her shivering body and showed him her back. “I understand. Go away, I’m fine.”

“Don’t be like that, Ruby. Hell, woman, you know how much I want you. It’s hellish leaving you right now. I’ll be suffering because of this.”

She refused to answer and so he took her hand and lifted it to the front of his pants. “Honey, if you believe nothing else, believe this – it’s how much I want you. Now go to sleep. I’ll be close.”

He left the room and Ruby let loose the tears she’d barely been able to control. She couldn’t blame Kurt for pulling away. Good Lord, how many men wanted to have sex with a pregnant woman who couldn’t move without crying out in pain?

It sure put a damper on the joy she’d been experiencing before she’d stupidly tried to lift her leg. Feeling extremely sorry for herself, she basked in self-pity until the voice in her head – the one that refused to let her wallow – made her accept the truth.

Kurt hadn’t left her because he found her unattractive. He did so because he’d cared. Hugging that realization close, she drifted off. In fact, she sunk into such a deep sleep, she never heard the noise from the yard.