
A white woman in an old-fashioned nurse’s outfit complete with a starched white cap came into the waiting room holding a clipboard.

“Shannon?” she asked, her voice deeper than Tamsyn had been expecting, and gravelly.

That throaty voice plus her pinned back brassy blond hair and her crisp white dress that calmly stated authority just like her daddy’s suits and ties had Tamsyn swallowing hard. Plus the nurse was buxom and curvy and oozed domme energy. Gah.

Anticipation fluttered in her belly like butterflies, and when Hux took her hand, she rose to her feet without question. Let Lolo grasp her other hand and allowed herself to be guided down the hallway between her daddies to an exam room.

Once inside, the nurse smiled, prim red lips stretching without parting to show her teeth.

“I’m Nurse Marni and I’ll be helping with your exam today. It’s nice to meet you, Shannon.”

“Thank you, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you too.”

Heat flushed her cheeks as Marni beamed at her. “You have such nice manners. Your daddies must be very proud of you.”

Daddy squeezed her hand as warmth pooled in her belly at the nurse’s compliment.

“We are,” Lolo told her. “And Shannon knows she’s to be on her best behavior during today’s visit.”

“Of course we like well-behaved babygirls here at the clinic, but we have means of correcting behavior if they’re not obedient. But you’re going to be a good little girl during all of the procedures you’ll undergo today, won’t you, Shannon?”

“Yes, ma’am,” she agreed, feeling her breath go shallow and fast.

It wasn’t that she was scared—Daddy and Lolo would never let anything bad happen to her, Nurse Marni seemed nice if a little intimidating, and no one at Hive would ever let their littles go anywhere they wouldn’t be safe. The anticipation was mostly excitement, and her breasts and pelvis grew heavy with it.

“That’s a good girl,” Nurse Marni praised.

Then she opened a cabinet and produced a neatly folded square of yellow fabric with fluffy brown teddy bears printed on it. She placed it on the exam table, and Tamsyn expected the nurse to depart with instructions to get changed into what she assumed was a gown, and Doctor Eric would be with them in a moment.

Nurse Marni didn’t leave.

“So I understand that Shannon is pretty newly your little?” Nurse Marni asked, looking between her daddies.

“Yes,” Hux confirmed, squeezing her hand again. “We’ve been seeing Shannon for about four months now, but it’s only in the past two weeks that she’s been our little girl. And Shannon is the first little we’ve been so fully responsible for. We want to make sure we’re caring for her thoroughly.”

Why was this conversation making her want to squeeze her thighs together? Maybe it was all the subtext. She’d signed off on everything that was about to happen but it was fun to play as though she hadn’t, like she didn’t understand the innuendo and verbal winks the adults were exchanging. But she did, and she couldn’t wait.

Just then there was a brief knock at the door and then it swung open, and a tall, handsome, Black man in a white coat with a stethoscope draped around his neck entered.

“Good morning, everyone. I apologize for the delay. My own little girl’s feeling a little under the weather today so I went to check on her. Don’t worry,” he assured her daddies. “Devaney’s not contagious. Morning sickness.”

“Congratulations,” Hux said with a broad smile. “Will this be your first?”

The doctor shook his head. “The second for me and my wife and I have two stepsons from her first marriage. But this morning isn’t about me.”

All eyes fell on her and Tamsyn’s cheeks burned. Yes, she’d realized when she signed off on this that there would be four people here and they would all be paying attention to her but it was different to know that in her head and to feel the weight of their concentration. They hadn’t even done anything and she wanted to rub her thighs together.

There was a round of introductions and then Doctor Eric clapped his hands together. “Now let’s get started with Miss Shannon, shall we? We have a lot to get through today. Why don’t you go ahead and help her into the gown?”