Chapter Thirty


Tamsyn had signed off on nudity in front of all four of them, but from the way she blushed and stammered and tried to cover herself when they stripped her, he could tell she thought that would come later. Clever, actually, to have her completely exposed at the very beginning.

Maybe some littles were exhibitionists and wouldn’t mind being naked while everyone else was clothed, but Tamsyn wasn’t one of them. With him and Lo, sure, but not with strangers. She couldn’t get into the gown fast enough. Not that the short cotton johnny offered much coverage.

Eric and Marni had conducted a brief but thorough normal seeming check-up; eyes, ears, throat, blood pressure, that sort of thing. The familiar procedures had a calming effect on Tamsyn and she followed all their instructions swiftly and obediently. Such a good girl.

He on the other hand was perhaps feeling a bit impatient. This was all well and good, but when did the legit check-up end and the pervy med-fet stuff they’d signed up for begin?

Eric had Tamsyn lie back on the exam table and she tugged at the hem of the short gown that had ridden up her thighs, nearly to the point of being indecent.

“Just going to check your tummy now. It’s not going to hurt but it might tickle,” Eric told his little patient.

It made him proud and also stoked the fire that always seemed to burn for her when she blinked back at the man with big, serious eyes, and agreed, “Yes, Doctor.”

Eric proceeded to palpate her stomach and made some noises that sounded like he didn’t love what he was feeling.

“Something wrong, Doctor?” Lo asked, brows furrowing with concern.

“Nothing serious,” Eric assured him with a smile that said he understood how fretful Bigs could be about their littles. “It’s just that your little princess is a little backed up, and constipation isn’t good for anyone but especially babygirls.”

“Oh my god,” Tamsyn muttered, and put her hands over her face.

He could see how red her cheeks were in between her fingers, and he couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t want people discussing his digestive issues like he wasn’t there. T

hat had been one of the worst things about his lengthy hospital stay after his heart attack. There had been no privacy.

While he appreciated everything the medical professionals had done for him—without them he’d still be dead—he could really have lived without all of the invasive and humiliating things one had to endure. He would do almost anything to avoid that again—hence the disgusting dairy-free creamer—but here Tamsyn was, submitting herself to it voluntarily for their pleasure. Perfect, marvelous creature, and his love for her grew.

One of these days the scar on his chest was going to split wide open because she would have filled his heart with so much fondness, lust, and adoration that his ribcage couldn’t contain it anymore.

Until then, he would listen very closely to Eric’s instructions and take the very best care of his darling little kitten.

“You’ll want to give her at least one enema per week. Little girls’ tummies have a tendency to misbehave when they’re stressed and I understand Shannon has a very busy grown-up job. I always recommend the more adult littles have to be during the day, the stricter their caregivers are and the littler they are during their time off the clock. Of course that will depend on the littles and their caregivers but in general I find that works well with a few adjustments and negotiations.”

That sounded good to him. He loved having Tamsyn be very little. While she wasn’t completely comfortable with it—yet, and possibly never would be—she still seemed to enjoy it. And despite Pete Surry continuing to be a real slimeball she hadn’t had a meltdown again.

He also liked the idea of having control of such a private, intimate, and taboo part of her, and he couldn’t wait to have her whimpering in embarrassment while he filled her belly.

“We’ll be happy to incorporate that into Shannon’s care at home,” he told Eric, and the doctor nodded.

“Now I wanted to do an ultrasound since I understand Shannon’s menstrual cramps are pretty severe. My own little girl has endometriosis so I always like to rule that out as a cause. That procedure requires a full bladder.”

“We had her use her diaper right before we came here,” Lo told him.

“That’s no problem,” Doctor Eric assured them. “We can get her filled up while we conduct some other parts of her exam. Marni, would you grab a few eight ounce bottles and start filling up our patient?”

* * *


While the nurse gathered things from a closet, Doctor Eric fastened a strap across her waist like how Daddy and Lolo did when they put her on the changing table at home. When she returned, Nurse Marni raised the top end of the exam table slightly and then pressed the nipple of the bottle against her mouth. After a second of resistance, Tamsyn parted her lips to accept it. Not any different from the bottles her daddies had given her occasionally, or the pacis she’d come to like so much.

“Drink it all up, princess. Don’t make Doctor Eric wait,” Lolo instructed with a tap to her chin and then a tweak to her nipple through the thin cotton of the gown. Honestly, she may as well have been wearing nothing for how exposed she felt.

As soon as she’d sucked down the formula, Marni put the empty bottle to the side and picked up another from the instrument tray.