Chapter Twenty-Nine


Since he’d started going to Hive, he’d heard tell of a littles doctor, Doctor Eric, and had been fascinated. Medfet was intriguing but he didn’t honestly feel qualified. He’d spent so much time learning about how to be a good daddy that he hadn’t had time to think much about adding medfet to the equation.

But after meeting Eric at the club and securing Tamsyn’s consent to make an appointment with the good doctor, he hadn’t been able to get on the phone fast enough.

He hadn’t meant to fill this weekend quite so full of activities Tamsyn would be little for, but he wasn’t sorry about it either. If he had his way, every weekend would be like this. Hell, as much time as she allowed would be like this.

As much as he loved the sharp, polished, corporate part of Tamsyn, he loved little Tamsyn even more. Maybe because being a single little girl’s daddy made him feel more complete and more as though he was successfully taking care of someone than he had when he was advocating for hundreds of thousands of constituents. Possibly because he actually had some measure of control over how Tamsyn was cared for, unlike how he had to rely on political maneuvering, deal-making, and endless congressional procedures to get anything done for the people he’d represented in the House.

When he devoted time and energy to Tamsyn, he could see the results immediately, as well as in the longer term, and it was so damn satisfying to meet his own needs at the same time he cared for her.

This was everything he’d ever wanted and aside from his mother’s constant harping about getting back into politics, he was happy and content. Victoria might never accept that he was done with DC but maybe she’d learn to keep her hopes that he’d end up in the Senate and perhaps even the White House to herself. Unlikely.

At least that he could live with, especially when he so much as looked at or thought of his little girl and her love filled his heart, eased his soul. Even if she wasn’t ready to say the words yet. Her actions meant more, and he was used to people being verbally cagey about their emotions but expressing their affection and devotion in other ways—cough,Lowell, cough.

Speaking of his twin, though, something was going on that Lo hadn’t shared and it was making him itchy. He supposed the man was permitted some measure of privacy but he didn’t have to like it. What he did have to do was make sure Tamsyn didn’t catch wind of it. She didn’t mind when they grumbled good-naturedly and gave each other shit, but there was a line past which she got concerned about their relationship.

Their sweet little baby didn’t need to worry about anything so he would keep this to his damn self. At least Lo had promised to be there for the appointment this morning, and Huxley was looking forward to the three of them being together almost as much as he was looking forward to all the wicked things that they had planned for Tamsyn’s exam.

Huxley was loath to wake his sleepy little kitten all snug in the big bed the three of them shared at night, still tucked under the covers except for a hand holding one of Octavia’s tentacles, but it had to be done. Didn’t want to be late for this after all.

So he sat on the edge of the bed and pushed back a lock of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear and then rubbing her exposed shoulder and arm until she wrinkled her nose and blinked her eyes open.

He wouldn’t call their little girl a morning person ever, but she’d also had a busy and overwhelming day yesterday. No wonder she was looking more bleary-eyed than bushy-tailed.

“We have our special appointment this morning, kitten. We have to get you fed and bathed and dressed before we go.”

Tamsyn blinked, suddenly looking more awake, and blushed.

“You nervous?” he asked, stroking her cheek with his knuckles and studying her.

He didn’t know her well enough yet and it was frustrating. He wanted to know what every twitch of a muscle, every blink of an eye meant.

“Not really,” she said, wrenching her mouth to the side and pulling Octavia closer. “It sounds pretty fun. But probably embarrassing.”

“And isn’t that part of the fun?”

He tapped her on the nose and she giggled.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Then I think we’re all going to have a very good time this morning.”

“All of us? Lolo’s coming too?”

Her eyes lit, and Hux barely stopped himself from frowning. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Lo would join them for something special like this; it should be a matter of course.

Tamsyn would no doubt be worn out after her appointment this morning, and while she was napping he would talk to his brother. It wasn’t right, this secret keeping, not if it was going to affect Tamsyn. Whatever it was, they could figure something out but Huxley couldn’t navigate a situation he hadn’t been briefed on.

In the meantime, he forced himself to smile because this really would be a treat. For all of them, he hoped.

“Oh yes. He wouldn’t miss this. He needs to learn to take the best care of you too.”

It was also possible that Lo had his own voyeuristic streak and wanted to watch as their little girl got a very thorough examination.

* * *