Looking almost bored, she said, “Certainly, Lord Merrick. If you’ll excuse me?”
They left the house and headed in the direction of the stables.
“I must apologize to you,” Rachel began. “For missing last night’s lesson.”
He managed to keep his jaw from dropping and simply shrugged. “I assumed you’d decided you’d learned everything you needed and I had nothing more to offer,” he lied.
Rachel stopped in her tracks and faced him. “On the contrary, I believe we were going to have a last lesson using our tongues. I’m still unclear as to how they factor into the kissing process. Remember, I want to be prepared as I look for my future husband. Tongues may very well have something to do with falling in love. I won’t know unless I have some experience with them.”
Evan almost retorted that tongues had nothing to do with love—but then again, he’d never been in love. They did, however, have much to do with pleasurable kissing.
“I fell asleep,” she said sheepishly. “I got into bed and waited for Leah to start snoring and the next thing I knew, I’d missed our engagement.”
She began walking again and he fell into step with her.
“When I arrived, it was long past our lesson. I’m sorry that you waited for me, Evan.” Her voice was low, her tone sad.
He should tell her.
But he didn’t.
“Don’t trouble yourself. It was nothing,” he said brusquely.
They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they reached the stables, she turned to go.
Those amazingly green eyes met his.
“I’m still willing to complete our last session if you are.”
Evan saw hope spring in her eyes.
“That would be nice,” she said primly.
“I won’t be back tonight. But we can meet the midnight after that.”
“All right. Have a safe journey.”
He watched her move away, the subtle swing of her hips calling to him as loudly as any siren’s song.
Evan reached Londonand stopped first at his solicitor’s offices. Mr. Bowkey was shocked to see him.
“Lord Merrick! It’s been several years.”
“Six, to be exact, Bowkey. I’ve sold my commission and have returned to England for good.”
“Please, have a seat. What can I do for you, my lord?”
He ran through a list of things he wished to be done and concluded with asking about his London townhouse, which he’d only seen once, almost fifteen years ago. Even at the tender age of thirteen, he’d recognized he had no need for the place and had Bowkey arrange to lease it at a substantial profit. Now that he was back for good, he decided the time to take ownership again had arrived.
“The lease ended only last week, Lord Merrick. The couple staying there launched their daughter for the Season, successfully, I might add. She is engaged to be married come November. They have since returned to the country and no other tenant has been found.”
“Take it off the market,” he ordered. “I plan to make use of it from now on. Does any work need to be done on it?”