“No, my lord. After each lease, I personally go over it with a fine-toothed comb. It was painted throughout only last autumn. It’s clean and in excellent condition.” Bowkey paused. “Will you move in immediately? Hire a staff? I can recommend the agency I used for temporary staffing. Perhaps some of those employees might suit your purpose.”
“I’m readying Edgemere at the moment and have my hands full with that. Any servants I require in London can travel with me from there in the foreseeable future. If I decide to spend any length of time in the city, that may change. For now, I’ll simply need the keys.”
“Of course.” Bowkey opened a drawer and fished out a keyring. Presenting it to him, the solicitor said, “Everything is here, from the main entrance to the wine cellars.”
“Thank you.”
Next, Evan stopped at his bank. He’d already thoroughly studied the ledgers with Finfrock but wanted to see how much he had in his holdings. The amount revealed was very satisfying, especially since he had horses to buy and a bevy of servants to pay.
After quick stops at his new tailor and former bootmaker, his next errand led him to a rented room. The door opened quickly after he knocked.
“Mr. Kent? Mr. Charles Kent?” he inquired.
“Yes, my lord,” said a tall, lean man approaching forty. “How may I help you?”
“Inviting me in would be a good start. I’m the Marquess of Merrick. My country home, Edgemere, lies near North Stony, where your brother’s store was located.”
Kent stepped aside and allowed him entrance. The room was shabbily furnished, with only a narrow bed, washstand, and single chair. Evan took the chair and Kent perched on the edge of the lumpy bed.
“I’ve recently sold out of the army after several years and plan to make Edgemere my home. Yesterday, I hired your sister-in-law, Mrs. Kent, to be my housekeeper. She explained that you were searching for a position.”
Kent’s eyes brightened. “I am indeed, Lord Merrick. Although I’ve recently served as a butler for four years, I’m happy to do any job available—assistant butler, valet, driver. I’ve worked at all of those positions in the past and am willing to work in whatever capacity you might have available.”
Evan liked that the man had experience in various areas, especially since he’d manage a large portion of the household. He was of a good age, too, and still had many years of service left to give.
“I’d prefer you as my butler if that’s satisfactory.”
Kent’s smile lit up his face. “That would be my preference, my lord. When shall I start?”
“I could use you immediately. Tomorrow, the new staff members I’ve hired will arrive. I still have need of a few more. I’m off to Tattersall’s now, in search of horses and, hopefully, a few grooms.”
“I’m available now, my lord. I think it’s important for me to be there to greet the new staff members with Mrs. Kent.”
Evan withdrew a good amount of banknotes and handed them over. “Consider this an advance on your monthly salary.” He named the year salary and saw Kent swallow. “Find a mail coach heading to North Stony and go today. Mrs. Kent may or may not be there. Mrs. Bridges, my cook, has already taken up residence. Be sure to order plenty of feed, both oats and hay, for a good number of horses that will be arriving with me.”
He stood. “I know you’ve worked in London most recently. I hope you will find the country to your taste, Kent.”
His new butler also rose. “Working for a decent man is all I ask. You seem to be that man, Lord Merrick. Might I inquire about your family?”
“It’s only me. I’m a confirmed bachelor.”
“Very good, my lord.”
Evan left and headed straight for Hyde Park Corner. Tattersall’s had the best horseflesh in all of England. He introduced himself when he arrived and told the two staff members selected to accompany him that he was looking for a horse for himself, another four to six to pull his carriage, and between six and eight other mounts for guests to use in hunting and riding. Over several hours, he decided on a matched team of Cleveland bays for the carriage and chose several others for the stables after riding them.
Then he came across a magnificent beast. Coal black and frisky, the horse seemed to look him in the eye and dare Evan to try and ride him.
“What’s this one’s name?”
“Goliath. He’s seventeen hands—and a handful.”
“I want to test him—and see if he’ll test me.”
Evan enjoyed every moment on Goliath’s back. He left Tattersall’s and let the horse have his head. The black was full of speed and looked to have great stamina. He returned to the yard.
“I’ll take him.”
Choosing two more horses, he thought he was through when he spied a dapple gray horse as he was ready to finish negotiating prices.