Chapter Ten

Evan awoke, wonderinghow he was going to face Rachel St. Clair today.

After missing their last lesson.

He’d wanted to go but didn’t think he should. He was far from objective where she was concerned. His feelings for her had continued to grow and he wanted to squelch them. She needed someone younger. More idealistic. A man who believed in love as much as she did.

That’s why he hadn’t gone downstairs last night for their midnight rendezvous.

Evan wondered how long she’d waited for him in the library. If she’d become upset. Angry. Disappointed. Hurt.

He knew he’d done the right thing, though. After the last kiss he’d given her the night before, one going beyond the scope of their lesson, something was different. He refused to attach a name to it. He certainly didn’t need to be kissing her anymore. She was an apt pupil and when she found the right man, nature would certainly take its course. Rachel St. Clair and her titled gentleman would do just fine on their own with no more lessons from him.

But the thought of tasting her lingered in his mind.

He washed and dressed and went downstairs. She was already present in the breakfast room, talking quietly with her grandmother. Her eyes met his for a brief moment and Evan nodded cordially before taking a plate and joining Alex at the buffet. They collected their breakfast items and then joined Rachel and Cor.

“What did you think of my tailor?” his friend asked, slathering jam on his toast.

“He’s very competent. In fact, I’m riding into London today. He wanted me to stop by his shop to examine a few more sets of materials. I also need to see about having some new boots made and I have a butler to hire.”

“If you’re going to London, are you thinking about looking at horses?” Alex asked eagerly.

“I suppose I should while I’m there. It would save a return trip. With all I have to do, I think I’ll stay overnight and come back to Fairfield tomorrow.”

Leah seated herself next to Rachel. “You’re leaving the house party, Merrick?”

“I do need to go to London. Ask Lady Rachel. We have a solid lead on an outstanding butler. I can’t let Mr. Kent slip through my fingers.”

“I may go with you,” Alex said. “There’s nothing better to do than examine good horseflesh.”

“You’d leave your guests?” Leah asked, huffing. “No. You will stay, Alex.”

Evan chuckled. “I see who’ll rule the Fairfield roost in the future.”

“Leah’s right,” Alex said, giving his fiancée a contrite look. “It would be wrong to abandon my guests. I wasn’t thinking properly.”

“I wasn’t even invited to your house party to begin with so no one will miss me,” Evan said lightly.

He could sense Rachel deliberately ignoring him throughout this exchange and chose to do the same to her.

“As long as you’re back in time for the ball,” Leah said. “I would hate for you to miss it.”

“I’m not much of a dancer, Lady Leah,” Evan admitted.

“Still, I expect you to conclude your business by tomorrow and return tomorrow night, Merrick,” Leah said. “A guest shouldn’t interrupt his stay at a house party, invited or not.”

Her eyes twinkled at him with a smidgeon of mischief and Evan decided Alex would have his hands full with Leah Crawford as his countess.

Rachel said nothing.

“As you wish, Lady Leah,” he replied.

Evan concentrated on eating as the others spoke of casual things. When he finished, he hated leaving without saying a single word to Rachel. Guilt still played heavily upon him. He looked at her and noticed she played with the food on her plate.

Definitely un-Rachel-like.

“Lady Rachel? Would you accompany me to the stables? I’d like to get your input on what to ask Mr. Kent when I meet with him.”