Now I know for certain it’s time we set some definitive rules. She can’t live like this. It’s not fair. She and her brothers need to come to an agreement on what is acceptable. They wanted me to be her caretaker, and that’s what I plan to be. I’m not going to be her warden.

“Are you guys finished eating? Wilder just texted and wants us to meet him.” Arsenio holds his hand out to me.

“Meet him where? I think I’d rather just go home. I’m over not being able to do much. I’d rather just watch a movie or some shit at home.” Holly crosses her arms over her chest.

Arsenio looks at me. “Is that what you want, sugar? I can tell Wilder no. He knows it’s my day with you anyway.”

I lift and drop my shoulders. “I’m fine with whatever. Maybe we can stop at the store on the way home and pick up a bunch of candy and popcorn and whatever.”

He nods. “Anything for you.”

I smile and stretch up on my tiptoes, kissing him softly. Desmond returns to us and nudges Holly with his fist, trying to get her to smile. But she doesn’t react. She looks past them at the diner door. I follow her gaze, seeing the four betas outside with another man that wasn’t in the diner.

He’s an alpha. I thought that this area was heavily dominated by betas and those unattached to packs.

The man looks in our direction, but his gaze doesn’t land on me at all. He looks at Holly, and a flirtatious smile crosses her face. Neither of her brothers notices, their attention on me.

After a moment longer, the alpha turns away, his expression remaining even. I don’t think he realizes that Holly is an omega, so he doesn’t show interest. Whether that’s good or bad? I don’t quite know yet. It bothers Holly. I can see it in her eyes as her smile falters. It’s in her very nature as an unbonded omega to want a pack, but right now, it’s impossible. Not until her brothers steal power from the king.

The men hop into a car and don’t do anything as we head to the door. Arsenio and Desmond glance at them without much thought. I slide my arm over Holly’s shoulders and give her a squeeze. Arsenio strolls on my other side protectively, watching the surroundings. I know he’s a bit nervous being out like this, but I don’t think we’ll have a problem. My blond wig, heavy makeup, and baggy clothing really do make me feel like a different person. I don’t recognize myself as I catch my reflection in a car window.

Desmond leads the way to the car and holds open the door for me, letting me sit in the front beside him. Arsenio and Holly take the backseat, and I can’t help twisting to look at her, staring at her phone again.

“You guys are a bunch of cock blocks,” she says, pulling off the mousy brown wig and showing off her pretty blond hair. “They left because of you. I guess they got scary vibes and then realized that we were together.”

I raise my eyebrows, surprised that she even called her brothers out. I tighten my lips as to not smile. I know they didn’t intentionally do it, but she is kind of right. I saw the way the other betas in the diner looked at them. Arsenio is clearly an alpha, and they would know it based on his scent. It makes people nervous when they don’t have a pack or power.

“Hey now, little sis. All we did was sit there. You can’t blame us for that bullshit. If they were intimidated, that’s their problem.” Desmond taps his fingers on the wheel. “Plus, I think you could do better.”

Oh fuck.

I whack Desmond with the back of my hand. “You can’t judge them based on that. You might be a beta, but you have the privilege of power because of your birthright as a prince.”

He sighs and hangs his head. “Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t change my opinion. Holly needs someone powerful and strong to protect her.”

“And I’m sure Holly can be the judge of that.” I smile at him and touch his cheek. “Omega’s clearly know how to pick them when we get the chance. I mean, look at me. My chosen pack is perfect.”

A smile stretches across his face, and he turns to me, pulling me closer to him until our lips meet and I can give in to the affection he craves. Arsenio rests his hands on my shoulders from the backseat and squeezes me. I break away from Desmond and swivel to give him a kiss next.

Holly groans. “See? This is what I want. You guys make me so jealous. It isn’t fair. I’m not going to have some knights in shining armor accidentally kidnap me and realize that they snagged themselves their forever girl. I have to pursue and take what I want, alpha-style.”

I laugh and beam at her. “That’s right. And you’ll get there. It won’t hurt anyone for you to talk to them. Just don’t tell Wilder. It won’t be long until you’ll be free from your father. Isn’t that right, Arsenio?”

He covers his ears with his hands. “I’m not hearing any of this. What Wilder doesn’t know, won’t hurt him, but if he does find out, I’m not going to have my ass handed to me.”

“I’ll protect you, big brother. I know how to handle a jerk alpha.” Holly brightens with a smile, her disappointment shifting with the realization that her brothers aren’t automatically denying her the chance to make connections outside of their pack.

“I will stand by your choice, Holly, but we need to be careful. Let me look into them before you get attached to the idea. I want to make sure they are not criminals or something worse.” Desmond puts the car in gear. “If you agree to that, then we will humor this.”

Humor this? I’m going to have to talk to him later. They need a lesson on how to talk to their sister.

Holly either doesn’t care or just ignores his comment and bounces in her seat, clapping her hands. Her excitement fills me with joy, and I can’t stop from joining in on her little dance.

The car jolts, and metal crunches metal. My heart sinks into my stomach as someone rear-ends us. What the fuck?

Desmond hops out of the car before I even have a chance to look behind us. My door jerks open, and I gawk at the unfamiliar man, his face scowling in anger. Panic freezes me in place, and it takes me a second to gather my bearings to scream.

Locking his fingers to my hair, the man drags me from my seat at the same time Arsenio hops from the vehicle. Desmond punches another guy on the other side of the car, and I thrash and skid across the ground as the man pulls me with him.