Chapter 19


Real World

“Thisallfeelssonormal, doesn’t it?” Holly sits across from me in a booth at a small diner a couple blocks away from the condo. Arsenio and Desmond hang out across the room at their own booth, pretending as if Holly and I are on our own, giving us the girl time outside of the condo we wanted.

“It does. I forgot what normalcy felt like. Look at all these betas just going about their day.” I nod my chin toward a table of guys, laughing and smiling at each other.

“Is it weird that I think they are super-hot? I know they’re not alphas, but it’s like my body doesn’t even care.” Holly grins at one of them, and the guy winks.

I tense and flick my gaze to her brothers, hoping they didn’t see the interaction. They might’ve let us have a girl time, but if anyone dares show either of us attention, there might be a problem. That’s why Wilder and Enzo aren’t here. They are not so subtle and aren’t afraid to start shit.

Arsenio only smiles at me, missing the interaction between Holly and the beta because he’s too busy just sending me all his adoration in invisible streams from across the room. Our connection is so palpable that I’m sure if somebody tried to step between our line of sight, they would hit a wall that would send them crashing to the floor.

I gently kick Holly under the table. “Careful. That could be the suppressant pills. They mess up your judgment a bit in regard to who you find an attraction to. I just want you to keep that in mind. You might like those guys right now, but if you skip a pill, you might end up hating them.”

It’s all so very complicated, but I try my best to be honest with Holly. I know she craves escape. She yearns for attention that doesn’t come from a family bond.

“I guess I’ll deal with that if the time ever comes. Distract my brothers.” Holly scribbles something on a napkin, grinning at me. “I’ll be right back.”

Fuck me. A part of me wants to argue with her, knowing that if Wilder finds out that I let her approach these betas, he might lose his shit. Another part of me knows Holly deserves a connection outside of her family and pack. They can’t hide her forever. She’s going to have to learn how to adapt to the world outside of their royal life if she wants to create something that brings her happiness.

Instead, I decide I can do both. I get up from my seat and saunter across the diner to Arsenio and Desmond.

I peek over my shoulder at Holly strolling past the table of men she finds attractive. She slides the napkin with her number on the edge. Sauntering toward the counter, she sways her hips, and I hold my finger up to her brothers, getting them to stay in place.

“If either of you reacts or try to intimidate the betas, you guys are going to be in trouble. Let Holly have her fun. It has been tough on her to have to go through this. There’s nothing wrong with a little flirting. She’s giving him her phone number, but we all know that you guys have access. If she wants to talk to them, let her. You can do your background check or whatever bullshit to make sure they’re not a threat.” I press my palms to the table, giving Arsenio a view of my cleavage.

He stretches up and kisses me, not caring if anybody sees us. “Damn, sugar. If I hadn’t seen that cute little heart-shaped mark on your hip, I’d think you were an alpha.”

Desmond chuckles and slides his hand over mine, squeezing my fingers. “If she keeps talking like that, I’ll gladly bow and kiss her feet.”

Heat blossoms across my chest and in my cheeks. I run my fingers through Desmond’s caramel brown hair and lean in, giving him a kiss next. I pat his cheek and smile at Arsenio, spinning around to head to the table where Holly now plays with her phone.

I slide into the booth across from her. “You’re bold, Holly. Those guys are going to think you’re a little alpha with the way you handled that.”

She laughs. “I wish. As long as they see me as a beta, it’s all that matters.” She taps her fingers on the table, staring at her phone, willing it to buzz in her hands.

I flick my attention to the group of guys, leaning over and playing with the napkin Holly wrote on. She doesn’t give them a second look, keeping her attention on me. I can’t stop smiling at her. I wish I had been as brave over the years. I spent most of the time staring at the fucking ground that I can’t even remember exactly what half of the Gutter District looks like. Who knew it would feel so good to be able to sit with my head held high now?

Holly startles as her phone buzzes in her hand. “Oh, my God. It’s them. Look.”

Diner Guy:Come over here. Let us buy you and your sister lunch.

Her face lights up in a beaming smile.

My stomach twists with nerves. It was one thing for her to give them her number. It’s another thing for us to join them, especially with her brothers now watching our every move.

“I don’t know what to say. I really want to go over there. Do you think Arsenio and Desmond would be okay if it was just for five minutes? I know you told them something, because they would’ve flown over here otherwise.” Holly looks at me, her eyes pleading as she squeezes her phone.

I don’t want to get in the middle between her and her brothers. They’re overprotective for a reason and want to ensure she gets the life denied her by their father. But taking these kinds of risks? I don’t know.

I rub my lips together. “I think you should ask them. But I also want you to know that I won’t join you. I’m sorry. I don’t want to even pretend that they have a chance with me.”

Holly groans under her breath and quickly types something in her phone.

A moment later, Arsenio stands from his seat and crosses the diner. Desmond follows behind him, keeping a bit of distance as he decides to cut across and head toward the counter where the host waits for customers at the register. I flick my gaze to the guys again, but they no longer look in our direction. They get up and leave, and Holly pouts her bottom lip. I can see the disappointment shining in her eyes.