“Let me go!” I scream, clawing at the man’s wrists, trying to get him to release me.

Arsenio reaches into the car and pulls out a weapon. He doesn’t even get a chance to fire his gun before a man tackles him. Bullets spray, hitting the side door where he was standing.

The shock of it all pushes me to fight harder, and I manage to push myself with my feet, throwing the man holding me off-balance. I swing and punch him in the groin hard enough that he howls in pain and lets me go. Gravel embeds in my palms as I scramble to get away. I’m not a fighter. It’s always in my best interest to run, and I need to find shelter. I need to hide.

A whistle cuts through the air. “Kinsey, this way. Hurry.” Holly’s voice drags me away from the man getting to his feet behind me.

Everything blurs with my unshed tears. My heart threatens to explode from my chest. I can’t even get a good look at what’s happening to Arsenio and Desmond. If another round of gunfire didn’t pop through the air, I would search for them instead. But I know I need to get to Holly. I need to protect her.

“Over here,” she says, motioning to the entrance of the diner.

I push my legs to move faster, the sound of pounding footsteps catching up to me. Holly grabs me and yanks me into the diner, only to have a man take her place. He surprises the guy that’s chasing me and sucker punches him in the throat.

I screech and nearly slip on the tiles, my clothes dirty and my hair a mess, hanging in my face. Holly helps me up, snatching me away from the fight at the door.

“There’s an exit leading out back through the kitchen.” Holly pulls me along, not giving me a chance to focus on anything except for staying with her. It should be me protecting and caring for her and not the other way around. But my brain can’t think right now. All I want to do is find Arsenio and Desmond and make sure they’re okay.

“We’ll call Wilder from the car. The Silverstein Pack will get us to safety.” Holly’s words stir fear in my heart, tightening my chest.

I try to slow down, but she is stronger. Her brothers have been training her to fight all her life.

“I don’t understand. What pack?” I lick my lips, trying to catch my breath.

“The hot one. The one that I gave my phone number to.” Holly guides me through the kitchen to where a glowing exit sign awaits.

A familiar man stands in the doorway, holding it open for us. He motions for us to hurry, waving his hand. I spot his alpha in his car, idling behind in the back alley. I know better than to get in a car with strangers, but what else am I supposed to do? If I stay here in the diner, the men trying to hurt me might find me. If that happens? I don’t even want to think of it. Deep down, I know it’s a threat from Platinum Shores or the Gutter District. They must’ve found us somehow. I wish I knew. We’ve been extra careful.

“Don’t worry, princess. We’ll get you to safety.” The man opens the back door, and Holly climbs in first, pulling me with her. I practically fall into the backseat, my body refusing to keep up with things. More gunfire pops in the air, and all I can do is say Desmond and Arsenio’s names. I’m so scared for them. If something happens...

“My brothers can take care of themselves. Don’t worry. The rest of the Silverstein Pack is backing them up. They’re not alone.” Holly pulls me against her and hugs me close, smoothing out my trembles.

The car barrels forward, screeching the tires and burning rubber, sending a cloud in the air. All I can do is hug Holly and beg my heart to stop racing. I say a silent prayer to the universe to protect my chosen.

If something happens to them because of me, I won’t be able to live with myself.

I can’t respond to Holly. I can’t do anything but stare out the window as the alpha of the Silverstein Pack drives past the parking lot, giving me a glimpse of the fight still going on.

It feels as if I leave my heart behind.

My soul tears to pieces.

Chapter 20


Territory War

SexyBeast:Weareon our way. Hang tight. Why don’t you go inside? Holly said you were sitting on the porch.

Me: I’m too scared.

Sexy Beast: Please, baby. They checked out.

Me: I’ll think about it. Just hurry.

I set Desmond’s phone down, really wishing that I’d have my own now. Enzo had called me immediately on the ride to the Silverstein Pack’s house. Apparently, their pack leader and alpha reached out to him personally, informing him that we were safe.

I wish I could’ve heard the reactions. I wonder what kind of damage we might return to. Because this kind of threat means that the war between Gilded Sands and our attackers is real. We can’t just ignore it and hide out anymore. I know that it had to be a Platinum Shores Pack. There is no other explanation.