A Russian is sitting in the middle of the room with two women slithering on top of him. When he sees us he cusses in Russian.
"Oh, Fuck!" I translate without Jim having to ask me to.
"Yeah, I know that one." His eyes are intense when they look back at me, "I get it a lot."
The Russian stands and eyes Jim like maybe he might be something lethal set loose in the club. "Kronos, why are you gracing us with your presence tonight?"
"It's rude to not ask us to sit with you, Alexabdrov." His voice drips ice and the man I am used to working for is gone. I don't know who this man is but he is scary as fuck. I met him briefly when he did the card trick at the restaurant yesterday but it is so much more now. A shadow behind me makes me turn slightly to find Jack standing behind us. I didn't realize he was coming in with us and didn't see him until just now. I wonder if Dante is here too. Lurking somewhere in the darkness.
"Please sit. I see you brought your own entertainment for the night." Jim walks closer and sits across from the man when I move to sit next to him he pulls me down into his lap. There is a silent battle of wills between us for all of two seconds before those cold green eyes turn to me and he gives a head shake. Jack doesn't sit instead he stands behind us with his hands crossed in front of him. "Are you here to play? Tonight is oral night."
I turn my head and tilt it down so I can use Jim's shoulder to hide how surprised I am at this man's words. That explains the blow job going on over near the door and why the two women are crawling on him. Jim turns his head slightly so his lips are close to my cheek. "Stay exactly where you are unless I move you, yes."
It isn't a question but I give him a nod just to show him I understand. The Russian speaks in his language to a woman standing beside him. I move my mouth closer to Jim and whisper what I have to tell him, "He's ordering drinks for everyone." One of his men laugh and start speaking, "The man that is laughing says Americans can't hold their liquor and asking the big guy in charge if he's trying to get you drunk before he kills you."
The man in charge pales and tells the other guy to shut the fuck up that this is no normal man but Kronos. He looks to Jim, "He's new." He laughs but it doesn't reach his eyes or sound real at all.
Jim leans back and I move my hands down to keep myself from falling off his lap. I can't stop the gasp that falls out of my mouth when I feel his gun he's wearing under his coat and the one he has strapped to his back under his shirt. Damn it, the last thing I want is for the man sitting in front of us to pay any attention to me at all. He isn't like the guy at the restaurant. This guy oozes evil and I don't think a lot of good things happen for people who are around him for very long. Jim slides his eyes over to me but before I can figure out what he is trying to tell me he slides them back to the man.
"I came for information, Alexandrov."
"Ah, yes I heard that you had some trouble back in the summer. I don't know anything about that. The way I heard it you already handled the men who were hired to kill you."
"That's the problem, there were only two of them and I wasn't done."
I roll my lips over my teeth to keep from giggling like an idiot. This Jim has a way of saying things that are smart assed as hell but he delivers it like it’s nothing which makes it kind of funny. Apparently, I am the only one who feels that way though because everyone else looks like they might be holding their breath.
"I'm sorry to tell you, I don't have any information to give you."
Jim sits back further still and starts playing with my earring. When I look those green eyes are focused on me. "That's too bad, Alexandrov. I would have paid handsomely for just a name."
The atmosphere in the club is changing and more people seem to be hitting their knees. I look up and see the people around us starting to really get into the theme of the party. One man is eating a woman like she is covered in candy. Men are standing, sitting, or leaning against a wall and all have their pants undone. Women are sucking on their knees, or lying on their backs or standing while someone else fucks them from behind.
I hate it but I squirm in Jim's lap at all the sex going on around me. The Russian asks Jim if he is going to participate. I'm not sure if he is asking Jim to join him with his two women or if he is asking him if...yeah, that isn't going to happen. Libby doesn't do public sex, especially when she hasn't done sex privately first.
One of the men in the room is staring at me but I don't stare back. He's got a lady on his dick so I don't know why he keeps looking over at me. Jim runs his hand up my thigh until it disappears under my dress causing me to jump and yelp a little bit.
"Your woman seems nervous, Kronos." My eyes flash to his with a look of apology. I told him this would happen. No one is going to believe that me and him are together or that I am used to being in places like this. "Is this her first time?"
I stiffen in his arms. Jim laughs but it doesn't hold any warmth, "That's funny." Jim plunges his hand in my hair and pulls me closer, "Straddle me. Now."
He doesn't have to ask twice. I do it because the last thing I want is for someone to think that we aren't together. I'll think about how weird it is to have my thighs wrapped around my boss's hips later when I don't feel like I'm at a feeding frenzy where everyone else is a shark and I'm the latest catch.
Shit, I should have worn pants. I knew I should have worn pants tonight. My head is tucked in Jim's neck so it takes me a while to figure out what is going on. When I pull back and look up there is a fine mist of something like water being sprayed out from what must be the water sprinkler system. I look up and notice one of them is very close to us. My heart is beating hard because I don't have a clue what is being sprayed out.
Jim looks up to where I am looking. "It's cocaine."
I'm pretty sure my eyes are going to bulge out of my head and go rolling off without me and he says it so casually like it is just tap water. He once again takes the back of my head and holds me still so he can move his lips closer to my face. "Duck your head and try not to breathe too much of it in."
"What about you?"
The smile that stretches slowly across his face is full of naughtiness. "I've been trained so that none of this affects me."