Despite what Jim said about wanting to keep me close he left in the middle of the night last night. I hate that my mind goes to the mystery woman who might have warmed his bed while he was gone. The last thing I need is a complication - especially one as big as Jim. One, no matter how hot I think he is I am not acting on it. I need this job. Lexi needs this job. Two, Jim is way out of my league in every way possible. There are days I feel kind of confident and I can joke and pretend to be able to take on all of these men but there are days where I'm totally outnumbered and outsmarted also. Those are the times I have to remind myself of why I am involved with any of these men at all. Not because I am part of their team, or that I have any significance to their cause. I'm here because I can translate well and they most likely felt sorry for me.
First thing in the morning, Jim is packing us up and we are flying into Russia. "Tonight we'll be going to a nightclub. Wear something short and black." It is the only two sentences he says to me as he makes his way up to the front of the plane to talk to Ace and Jack who met us at the airfield when we boarded. I put in a call to Lexi to make sure she is doing alright.
I can't help but think she would love to be doing all of this, the travel, the clubs and restaurants, and especially the mental mind games. I get ready for the night but don't put as much time or care into my appearance this time. It's a club, it's not going to be lit like a restaurant or have the same people in it. I don't think.
Jim scares the crap out of me when he sneaks up behind me as I am finishing up. Guess this time he isn't going to be waiting down in the lobby. His hands slip around my neck and for just a second I think I might have pushed him to far but I can't think of how. Not right now anyway. His hands slide down to my bare back as he drags his fingers along the line of the silk ribbon holding my dress together. It doesn't have a back just the ribbon zigzagging back and forth.
"You're not wearing underwear again." My eyes search for his in the mirror. He's different tonight. He isn't wearing his glasses and is in all black. Something else is different about him but I can't put my finger on it. He seems...bigger than he was before. It's stupid but I swear he looks broader and taller.
"I have panties on. This time."
"Hmm," He opens a box behind me, "You're also going to have to wear this."
"What is it?" I turn in my chair and stare down at the box. Inside on the soft blue velvet is a silver band. He picks it up and puts it around my neck. The cold of the metal lies heavy against my skin even if the necklace isn't very big. It's not adorned with anything and has the same width as one of my fingers and from it hangs an 'O' ring. Off the ring hangs a small, diamond hourglass. I don't see how he fastens it and when I look I can't find a place to take it off.
"It's...a way for the people at this club to know to leave you alone." For just a second I think he is going to reach out to touch my face but Jack comes in. His eyes flash to the necklace around my throat and it causes him to raise his eyebrows at Jim.
"Don't start with me Thorn. I'm in no mood."
"Just find it all interesting, is all." I turn back and finish getting ready. I don't understand what he is talking about so I focus on the things I do have control of. Jim walks into the next room leaving me with Jack. I meet his eyes in the mirror very similar to the way I did Jim's. "You have no idea do you?"
"Listen, New Kids on the Block, I have no idea what you're going on about nor do I want to. I just want to do my job and get my paycheck so I can put my kid sister through school." Out of all the men, Jack is the one most like Jim. Dark and broody, they have a fuck off vibe that either sends a person running or makes someone want to test just how dangerous they are. Unlike Jim I don't have the same drive to push Jack.
"Why don't you ask Jim about what's around your neck and see what he says."
"He said that it was a way to make sure I'm left alone at the club we're going to."
He gives me a grin and moves closer. "You know anything about where you're going tonight?" I shake my head and give him a look that clearly says I am in no mood to be fucked with. "Do you know anything about BDSM? Because you just got collared which means Jim owns you."
He's fucking with me. He has to be, right. Right? "Jim!"
Jim comes back in and looks between me and Jack. A sinking feeling comes over me like hot water being poured on my head. Jack might be right. Jim's eyes come back to mine and I am very glad that I am sitting down. "You just had to tell her didn't you?"
"You don't do something that big and not tell a person. That's some shit the Brothers would do. Need I remind you that we are not that bad - yet?"
"Need I remind you that I am their fucking boss as I am yours? I don't need my motives questioned or actions doubted. I can't divide my time protecting my translator and trying to lift the book we need."
"Somebody better tell me what the fuck is going on before I go in somewhere and get blindsided." I look over at Jim, "What the hell is this thing around my neck and why did you put it on me?"
Jim doesn't respond right away. In fact, we engage in an epic stare down and I start to wonder if he’s going to answer me at all. Finally, he does, "The place we are going tonight is a BDSM club owned by a Russian who put out the hit on me. He has a book with him at all times with the names of the people he does business with. In that book is the man who hired him to try to kill me, the same man who caused my team to retire and who is hunting them down now. I want that book. I want that name."
I understand his want to find out who is after him and the men. I really do but I don't see what that has to do with the collar.
"The collar is for others, so they will leave you the fuck alone. I underestimated your attraction when I asked you to be my translator." Wow, I'm not sure where to even go with that statement there is so much to unpack. The glaring statement there is that he didn't think others would look at me and see someone desirable. Good to know nothing has changed where Jim is concerned. He still wants nothing to do with my ass. "The collar stays on and you stay safe. These men don't know me as Archer the government secret agent. They know me as Kronos, an assassin who would just as likely kill them where they sit than have to talk to them. These men don't play around and they won't take no for an answer but they won't lay a finger on you if you wear my mark." He flicks the hourglass. "Don't take it off, Libby."
The mixed messages I'm picking up from him are giving me fucking mental whiplash. Jack looks like he isn't buying any of it. I think I hear Jack mutter under his breath.
Once at the club Jim gives me further information that would have been good to have before I stepped foot in the dark scary world of underground BDSM clubs. "Don't look anyone in the eyes, don't agree to anything, and don't leave my side."
The club is done in almost all black with accents of red and orange. The walls are designed to look like the walls of a cave. Jim seems to know just where to go because he doesn't dally on the dance floor. Instead he walks to the VIP section and grunts at one of the guards whose eyes become three times bigger when he looks up and recognizes who it is.
He lets Jim behind the rope and we walk up a set of stairs that aren't lit at all. There are several people lounging on couches drinking. I look over and spot one man getting a blow job from a half-dressed woman who seems to be wearing a collar too - only hers is connected to a leash.