Page 16 of Black Site

Cocaine doesn't affect him anymore. He might as well have told me he was a fucking green alien. "Jack too?"

His eyes narrow on me, "How about you just worry about me since it's me you're sitting on."

I have to take a deep breath because I think I'm feeling the effects of the cocaine. Yeah, I know breathing more of the stuff in isn't going to help anything but I swear I can't help myself and my body is starting to be super alert to what is going on around me. Which is all sex-related.

I turn my head and see the Russian getting his cock sucked by one of the women with him while the other is eating her.

"Eyes on me, Beautiful." Did he just call me beautiful? He pulls my face closer and for just a minute I think he is going to kiss me but instead of taking my lips he pulls my head back and kisses my throat. I have no idea what the hell is happening. This is, right. It's not right to be so turned on by your boss. But when he nuzzles into my neck all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and lean my head back further so he can get closer.

The lights are brighter and the music is so loud that it throbs throughout my body. A body that is currently wrapped around Jim. He pulls back from me so he can look at my face as his hands lower to the globes of my ass and pulls me closer. Oh holy fuck, I think he has a shotgun down his pants. I wiggle on it just to make sure it isn't a stick of dynamite or something before he pushes and pulls me down on it.

So big. "I don't know how I would ever be able to fuck something that big."

His beautiful green eyes start twinkling and I think I might have said that out loud instead of in my head. His hands knead my cheeks causing the thong I'm wearing to push further inside of my outer lips. The thong – which is soaked by the way - is never going to be right again.

Jim starts rocking me back and forth causing amazing sensations to course through my body. Every time he moves my hips back and forth I can feel him hit...everything. So many nerves, so many feelings pooling in between my legs and causing me to move on my own to chase those feelings down.

My hands go to his face to touch his cheeks and caress his face. To have this man under the tips of my fingers is like having lightning in a bottle. "So dangerous."

"You don't have to be afraid though. Never." He pulls one of my hands closer to his mouth and bites down on the fleshy part of my palm. The sting is there but he doesn't do it hard enough to hurt me, showing me he'll never hurt me. Fuck that's sexy.

His other hand is still working my hips over his hard-on. I slide the hand he bit into his hair and pull him closer. His tongue runs between the valley of my breasts and causes me to cry out. My nipples harden and my breasts grow tender. "You should've worn a bra. Then I could be sucking these right now."

"What's stopping you from doing it?" I cannot believe I just ask my boss why he isn't going to suck on my tits. What the hell is wrong with me? But the thought of those soft, pillowy lips wrapping around my hard nipple has me dancing closer and moving harder.

"Because if I sucked you everyone would be able to see them when my mouth wasn't on them."

"So?" I still don't see the problem.

"And then I would have to kill everyone in this club, innocent or not."

"Oh," I give him a small smile before continuing, "I like when you threaten people because of me." I pull back and try to think through that statement. "I shouldn't have said that." I shouldn't but I can't think why that would be such a bad thing to tell him, to let him know. Especially when he smiles at me with those sexy lips of his.

"I'm going to get you off, baby girl and then I'm going to kill that assfuck who has been staring at you all night - and maybe the woman with him. Haven't decided yet."

I gasp. How did he know? His back has been to the guy this entire time. He pushes my thong out of the way at the same time he grabs my hair and yanks my head back, lowering his mouth to mine. His fingers lightly rub over my furled asshole at the same time my bare pussy slides across his pants-covered cock and I let go.

I cry out but his mouth is over mine so no one can hear me shout his name. My body shuddering in his arms is the last feeling I have before he moves me to the side, his gun already in his hand. He shoots the guy who stares and pops his friend who comes to help. He pulls out a gun from his other side and aims it at the big Russian who holds one of the women in front of him as a human shield.

The guy's eyes slide over to me as he pulls his own weapon but Jim is already shooting the woman and the guy. They both fall to the ground, her on top of him. Wow! Jim really is an asshole who would shoot the human shield without blinking. Of course in this instance, I'm alright with that since the guy was going to shoot me if Jim hadn't shot him first. I sink down on my hands and knees and crawl over to the two dead people, not that these are the only two. The club seems to be filling up with corpses quickly because Jack is shooting now too. He throws a knife at some guy's head and it sticks in his forehead.

I push the woman off the big guy and start searching his pockets. More people come running up the stairs with weapons and the sense of urgency is making me sweat. Or maybe it's just the lights in the club. When my hand closes over the spine of what I was looking for I smile but then my head is yanked back and I am staring up into mad eyes.

"Archer, I have your woman." The man called Jim by his last name and not the assassin moniker. That can't be good. Jim turns his head after snapping the neck of the man he was fighting with. I try to pull away from the man but he holds me tighter causing pain to bloom along the places he is pulling my hair. I wince and try again. "Stop moving bitch."

Jim starts walking toward the man who has me and along the way Jack and Dante come up behind and slightly to the side of him with guns raised. He shoots one man in the fucking head and doesn't even look to see if he killed him or not or even who he shot. The next man who gets in his way he smacks across the face before shooting him in the chest - twice. The man who has me is backing up now trying to make it to the stairs. There is no way in hell I am going with this guy.

I stomp down on his foot with my heel and the guy cries out. Jim reaches for him over my head and grabs the man by the neck. Not the way you would someone you intend to choke but with curled fingers like an animal who intends to rip out a person's throat. I sink down to the ground as Jim pulls out a knife and makes a sharp movement from one end of the guy to the other except the knife gets stuck halfway up and Jim is left to watch the life drain out of the man's eyes as parts of him start to fall out. I turn my head not wanting to see any of that. I can't believe I started to see it before I stopped looking. Hands land on me and I jump but when I look up I look into green pools.

"Up!" I try to find my feet but I can't get them to work for me so Jim just lifts me and carries me down the body-littered staircase and through the club. Jack and Dante are still shooting occasionally and most of the club cleared out when they first heard the gunshots. All the energy I felt, the adrenaline that was pumping through my body has stopped and I feel myself start to crash.

"The book." I push it into his hands. At least I hope it is his hands as the book is taken from my curled-up fingers where I was clutching it tightly. Hands are the only thing I can feel as I am being moved. Too many to be just Jim's. I feel a slight pinch in the bend of my arm and then everything goes blissfully dark.

The next thing I know I'm jolting upright in a big ass bed and I don't have any clothes on. This is not my apartment, not my bed, and not good.

