Page 58 of Game Plan

“My fault.”

“A mutual lapse in good judgment.”

He slung one arm over the back of the chair, making his muscles flex and dance. “Last night was fucking incredible.” He wrapped the other hand around his cock and started strumming. Bad boy, he knew that would flip her nympho switch.

“It was. It really was.” Autopilot had placed her over him, straddling his lap.

He snuck his fingers beneath the long t-shirt. “My shit judgment wants me to corrupt you again.”

Her pitiful resolve deteriorated more with each teasing stroke along her slit. “Mason…” Oh god, now he was finger-fucking her. And looking up at her with those devastating eyes. Caving really seemed like the way to go.

“I’ll pull out.” He caressed her hips, her ass, a physical plea to go with his words.

“You’ll try, but it’ll feel so good I won’t let you go. I could end up…pregnant.” The word had sounded a lot more romantic in her silent fantasy.

“Yeah.” His big hand closed around hers. Squeezed lightly before taking the condom package. “We don’t want that.”

Chapter Twelve


As Saturday mornings went, it was brutally slow. Only three appointments booked between ten and twelve, and the middle one hadn’t shown.

He’d checked email, read a few sports blogs. Played a stupid video game on his phone. A couple of times he’d almost texted Katie, but stopped short of hitting send. He needed someone with balls to bounce this shit off of.

“Hey, man,” Logan said, stepping into his office. “Where’s your crazy guard-bimbo today, getting her roots bleached?”

“Day off, thank god. It’s as if she’s got eight hands lately, and all of them want in my pants.”

“You got it rough, doc. Busty blonde chasing you at work, hot girlfriend after hours…” Logan straddled a steno chair and crossed his arms on the backrest. “Or are you a minus one in the girlfriend department after last night’s ball game freeze out?”

Yeah, he’d acted like quite the dick. Not a proud moment. “I convinced her to keep me around.”

Logan grunted his understanding. “Good. Katie’d be pissed if you screwed up her wedding dress plans. And I don’t like when she’s pissed at the outside world. Messes with our personal time.”

Meaning her focus drifted from Logan, her Master. Mason still had trouble wrapping his head around Katie, his spitfire of a sister, living as a submissive behind closed doors. But she was happily in love, and Logan felt the same, but from the top. So whatever.

“I told Andie I love her.”

“No shit,” Logan said on a laugh. “That’s all right.”

“You think? It’s only been a couple of weeks. And with her being older, having a kid…am I fucking crazy even considering getting serious?”


“That’s why I called you. I just need to bounce this shit off somebody who’ll tell me how they see it, not what they think I want to hear. If I wanted sugar coating, I’d have called my sister.”

“All right,” Logan said, rubbing a hand over his usual scruff. “I think you won’t know until you meet her kid. He might hate you, make your life a living hell. Or, maybe he’s a little shithead and you’ll want to pummel him. I think that’d kill the love pretty fast.”

Good points. In Mason’s head, he’d already decided Andie’s boy was awesome and that they’d get along great, but who knew? “Yeah. But let’s say it’s all good with the kid.”

“Remember, you asked for this.” Logan rolled back from Mason’s desk, out of reach. “She’s got ten years on you. Ten. She looks great now, but what about five, ten or twenty years down the road. Have you checked out any fifty- or sixty-year-old women lately? It’s mostly scary, saggy shit. Look at your mom, man. Nice lady, but I’m betting your dad keeps the lights off.”

“First, that’s disgusting. Second, I’m not some TV show vampire, I won’t be thirty forever. When Andie’s sixty—and still hot,”he chucked a pen at Logan, who deflected it with a thick forearm, “I’ll be fifty. Nobody’ll give a crap about the ten years then.”

“And now, or a couple years from now, what about kids?”

“Don’t know.”