Page 59 of Game Plan

“You don’t know if you want them, or if she does?”

“Yeah.” Mason kept the answer vague. No need to rehash the past—Logan knew how excited Mason had been about Stacey’s accidental pregnancy. How low he’d been when it ended. A family was definitely part of his future plans. He’d just forced the subject to the back of his mind the past few years.

“Man, you might want to squeeze some talking in with the balling. From where I’m sitting, you’re in love with her magic pussy. Nothing wrong with that kind of love, either, and it doesn’t require you meet her kid.” Logan pushed up from the chair. “I’m gone, unless you need some advice in the pussy department too?”

“Get gone, Brenner. And thanks.”

“Anytime, brother.”

“Hey, one more thing,” Mason said as Logan approached the door. “Katie’s gonna look just like her mother one day. I hope you enjoy fucking with the lights off.”

* * *


The truck pulled in at half past twelve. As soon as Mason stepped out onto the asphalt, butterflies flew into action in Andie’s stomach. Likewise, her heart rate kicked up a few notches. She backed away from the window before he spotted her. Added a quick swipe of lip gloss and waited.

“I’m home,” he called from the entryway.

Wow, she liked the sound of that. Too much. “In here, with your lunch.”

“Smells gr—wow. Nice…apron.”

She ran her fingers under the straps at the top of her bare breasts. “It’s yours.” Electricity sparked through her body as his gaze ate her up, head to high-heeled toes and back again.

“Damn right it is.” The bulge in his jeans told her he wasn’t referring to the apron.

She turned her back to him and bent to retrieve the chicken from the oven. Mason appreciated her whole body, but at the core, she knew he was an ass man. The view she was giving him, thrusting her ass upward and sporting the world’s tiniest black thong, elicited a testosterone-fueled groan.

“Sounds as though you’re starving,” she said as she straightened.

“I am, and I don’t know what to eat first.” He stepped forward and started with her neck, sweeping her hair aside and nibble-kissing his way down the exposed column. He followed the line of her spine, kissing his way past the apron ties at her waist, right down the valley of her ass. “Think I’m gonna go with dessert. Hands on the sink and bend over.”

“Yes sir.” She assumed the position—legs spread, hips rotating in a figure eight—smiling when he groaned in tortured appreciation. “Anything else, sir?”

“Look out the window, to your left. The Martins are out front weeding their garden. Make sure they know when you come.”

She glanced out. Yup, there they were. A couple, late twenties to early thirties, crouched on the grass, definitely within earshot. And they were dead silent. No music playing, zero conversation happening. Neither of them looking thrilled with their activity. With the kitchen screen wide open, they’d hear anything louder or more distinctive than a normal speaking voice. Oh god.

A smack landed across her ass. She looked over her shoulder in time to see him deliver another. The heat spread from her backside, swirling low in her abdomen and stretching up to her nipples. She’d started the game by addressing him as sir. Now he expected her to answer, to comply. But playing the brat was so much better.

“No, I don’t want them to hear me.” To be extra rebellious, she reached to close the inner slider.

His hand closed around her wrist immediately. If anybody else grabbed her this firmly, she’d cry out or hoof them, maybe both. Mason doing it just made her more eager for what was to come.

He guided her hand back to the stainless steel. Brushed the denim-covered ridge of his cock against her ass while he breathed in her ear. “They’re either gonna hear you throughthiswindow or the front storm door. And if I take you there, it’ll be with your naked body pressed up against the glass for their viewing pleasure.”

Forget about remote control panties, Mason had her primed and ready to come with a simple touch and a few select suggestions. He knew a dozen different ways to turn her on. Right now he was using a few of the big ones to great effect.

“I promise to be loud for you…sir.”

A chuckle tickled her ear. He stretched, tipped the basket of dishrags and dug through the pile for a condom. “Yeah, I’m gonna make sure of that.” The scrub top came off, then the jeans and boxer briefs. This time, he even removed his socks. He sat his fine naked butt on the cool tile, wedged himself sideways between her legs and grinned up at her.

That smile was equal parts bad boy and genuine affection. It zinged her. She pinched her eyes shut to banish the gooey thoughts. Focused on his touch as he slid the teeny, tiny thong to one side. The rush of sensation flooding her body as he initiated the pleasure with the first swipe of his tongue.

“Open your eyes. Watch me tasting you.”

The view from this angle was beyond erotic. “I wish I could record this…I’d watch it every time I want to get myself off.”