Page 57 of Game Plan

She detoured into the bathroom to clean up. Yikes. Mirror—so not her friend this morning. Mason must’ve had the sun in his eyes, calling her beautiful with this bed head and the raccoon rings from last night’s purple eyeliner. She scrubbed her face until it shone. Washed the other areas requiring attention more gently. The frequency and intensity of their sex life kept her on cloud nine, but it also made things a bit tender on occasion. A trade she happily accepted.

One of Mason’s t-shirts hung on the back of the door. She brought it to her nose, eyes closed, inhaling him. The worn fabric tickled her nipples as it dropped into place, the scent of him wafting over her as she shook it down, over her hips. Weak in the knees from a t-shirt—those pheromones of his packed a mean punch. She instructed her feet to take her to the kitchen, instead of sprinting back to the bedroom and jumping him. Coffee first, then a shower. With an orgasm. Maybe more than one if he joined her.

“I guess you’re waiting on me to cook those eggs,” Mason said as he walked into the kitchen. “I’m starving too. You drained me last night.”

She glanced up from measuring coffee into the pot. He hadn’t bothered to cover up, bare windows be damned. Seventy-four inches of walking naked glory. Her mouth fell open at the sight of his erection. Morning wood, still? No way. He must’ve shown it some extra attention before coming out of the bedroom. Either way, giddy up.

While finishing with the coffeemaker, she noticed Mason’s neighbor on her stoop, checking her mailbox. And rechecking it, while looking this way.

Andie didn’t blame her one bit. “Your hotness is spiking the neighbor lady’s blood pressure this morning.”

He laughed while transferring items from the fridge to the counter. Eggs, cheese, asparagus. “You’re biased about the hotness, babe, and this is no different from any other day.”

“I wish you weremyneighbor.” She pitched in by rinsing the asparagus. This required she squeeze in front of him to get to the sink. And back again—extra slowly.

He slapped her ass, then started cracking eggs into a bowl. “I’d never go to work if you were that easily accessible. I’d go bankrupt and have to live in a cardboard box on your front lawn.”

“You wouldn’t be out there long. Hordes of women would happily take you in.”

“Yeah? How about you?” Muscles bulged as he whisked. “Would you take me in?”

“Only if you agreed to be my sex slave.”

“Pretty sure I already signed on for that job.” He quit prepping food to kiss her. Open mouth, little bit of tongue, whole lot of sparks. “Best career move I ever made.” He returned to the chopping board, leaving her in a heightened state of botherdom.

Breakfast could wait. She climbed onto the small oak table. Naked ass perched on the edge closest to him, she eased on to her back, pulling the t-shirt high over her breasts as she did. He clocked every second of her act in his peripheral vision. Some crazy sex juju must’ve taken over her brain to be doing this.

“Forget the eggs—eat me.” She pushed a chair with her toe, only it didn’t slide out from the table in the sexy, welcoming way she’d imagined. It crashed to the floor, echoing off the ceramic and missing Mason’s feet only because he jumped to avoid it. “Oh crap.”

“Nice move,” he said, grinning ear-to-ear.

“It went a lot smoother in my head.”

“Worked fine for me the way it was.” The chair stayed overturned. It didn’t get another blink of his attention.

“Everything works for you—you’re so easy.”

“When I want to be.” He cupped one of her feet in his hand, placed it on the table, repeating the process with the other.

This position left her completely exposed. As in, feet-in-the-stirrups exposed. At the doctor’s office, she had to force herself to keep her knees apart. Under Mason’s heady gaze, she couldn’t spread them wide enough.

He lowered himself to his knees and slid his finger inside her. No, not his finger—he had one hand wrapped around each thigh. Oh god, it was his tongue. And since it wasn’t his tongue teasing her clit, or his fingers, it had to be his nose. How could he breathe?

If she got too enthusiastic, as she always did with his mouth between her legs, she’d suffocate him. She tried backing away, but he clamped down on her legs and bore deeper. Insistent. Relentlessly pushing her toward climax. She grabbed the sides of the table and let him have it.

He came up smiling. Not the usual, hot-stud smile. More like the amused kind. “Why’d you tell me to breathe?”

“Oh god, I said that out loud?”


Oops. Escaped internal thought. “Well, you had your whole face jammed in there. Imagine the headline in the newspaper if I’d suffocated you with my cootchie…Veterinarian Killed by Pussy.”

“I can only think of one better way to go.” The chair got righted and under him in two seconds. “C’mere, killer. Ride me.”

Every room now had a stash of condoms. Some had multiple stashes. Her waiting stallion raised his eyebrows as she scooped a foil package from the bottom of the dishtowel basket.

“Last night, without the condom, was…” She refused to call it a mistake.