Page 184 of Captivated By Danger

She let out the cute groggiest giggle.

“I watch so much I.D. channel that I am very positive that I can get away with whatever.”

“Aha. Let me take that channel off the T.V., but you know, people always think they are smarter than they usually are. You’d slip up.”

“Whatever. Are you hungry?”

I smirked. “I’m always hungry.”

“Well, if you want to get up and get dressed, we could head over to Dymon’s house. Quinci is preparing brunch.”

She immediately shot up against the headboard and covered her mouth.

I hopped up and went over to the bed. “Are you okay?”

“I’m not going to be able to have mimosas for nine months, Diesel,” she expressed with sadness.

“Woman, I thought something was wrong with you. Don’t do that. Do you want to go to Quinci’s or order room service?”

“I would love to go to Quinci’s, baby. Let me get up and get dressed. You got my whole body hurting, Diesel, damn.”

“I missed my shorty.”

“So, you really didn’t have sex while I was gone.”

“No, I did not have sex while you were gone. I told you I was planning and shit.”

“The same thing you were just doing for us, you were doing for Rachel.”

I nodded my head.

“Go get in the shower,” I told her the minute her nose turned up. “She would have been my child’s mother, Greysen, so yes, I would have had to take care of her.”

“I wonder how I would have fared, being the stepmom and the mom of basically two newborns in a year. Like, how were you going to approach me in a year? Or…” She held her finger up. “What if I was pregnant and had a baby and didn’t tell you?”

“Greysen, I love that sometimes I can tell that you teach children, but luckily, you will never have to worry about that.”

“Hmm. I suppose you’re right,” she said and shrugged her shoulders.

When she threw the covers back, I looked her body up and down.

“Oh, no, sir. Not the way you rode my ass last night. She needs a break.”

I laughed. “Greysen, the way you make me feel, I really don’t know how I would have lasted a year without your funny ass.”

She grabbed my nose and squeezed it. “Well, luckily, you’ll never have to worry about that.”

* * *

One Week Later…

Greysen and I were sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. We were checked in nearly an hour ago and we still hadn’t been called back, even though we were the only ones in the room. We were both in our own worlds. I knew where her mind was, but my mind was on the possibility of her not being pregnant at all. I was trying to prepare myself to hear that bad news. I’d been here for a week, and nothing had changed about her. She ate regularly and didn’t throw up. Her sleeping patterns weren’t off. Every day I’d been asking her how she felt, and she told me she felt normal. I wanted to ask her if she threw up with her first pregnancy, but that was a sore spot for her, and I would never bring it up to her first.

I remember sitting in a chair, much like this one, explaining to Rachel how shit was going to work between us. There was no possibility of us ever being together. Greysen was who I was going to be with eventually and that she better not start any shit between us, only to get to the back and find out that her baby wasn’t mine. Even though I felt there was a strong possibility that the baby couldn’t be mine, it was still a low blow when I got the results.

I’d never been so shaken before. The first person I wanted to call was her, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. She needed to continue her healing without me. The next person was Dymon, and then my father, and then Declan. I finally told them everything, regarding me being sterile, and me feeling like less of a man, because I couldn’t give him a grandchild or give their kids a cousin. They told me they didn’t care and that they wouldn’t look at me different because of that and they would love me just the same. That was that male-ego thing that Greysen always talked about. Declan even offered to give me his sperm. They all showed up, got me drunk, and then put me in the bed. We all bonded differently that night and I think it was what we needed as Danger men; to be vulnerable around and with each other. I had many nights like that afterwards.

I walked around the house mad at the world and worked myself to complete exhaustion. The moment I got up I’d work out, go to work, come home, work out again, take two shots of my strongest whiskey and then pass out on the bed. There was about a week of that before Chef Nita threw a large pot of ice-cold water on me one morning, nearly sending me into shock. She chewed me out like only an older Black woman could, telling me to get my fucking life together. After telling her everything that happened with Rachel, she basically told me that if Greysen and I really loved each other, we’d find a way to make it work and to have a little Diesel Danger running around, but anything worth having wasn’t going to come easy.