Page 183 of Captivated By Danger

“That’s fine. We can sleep here.”

He got off the couch and took my heels off and helped me into a comfortable position on the couch before he nestled behind me and wrapped his arm around me. My eyes immediately started to get heavy. He rubbed my stomach until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Greysen,” was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.



The Next Morning…

It was a little after ten in the morning and I just finished back-to-back meetings with my upper management team and their teams. In just one short morning of watching Grey sleep in while I worked, I fully understood what Dymon meant when he said he gets so much joy out of being home with his wife and daughter. Grey was laying halfway on her side with her hair splayed over the pillow, looking so well-fucked and relaxed that I couldn’t help but to shake my head. Last night was incredible. From the time she walked in, shocked at her gifts, to that sexy ass photoshoot we did, and how we ended our night; me fucking her into submission. Sometime over in the night, I woke up to her backing her ass up on me. Thinking I was getting ready to fuck her some more, I brought her to the bed, and she pushed me down and fucked me into submission. She rode the nut out of me so beautifully in reverse cowgirl and was very proud of herself when it was my turn to be stuck.

When I woke up, she was just getting back in bed. I cuddled with her until she went back to sleep, and that’s when I got up, showered, and started preparing for my meetings. She was so out of it, that she never even stirred. Something told me that, that was some of the best sleep that she’d gotten in a long time. While waiting for a couple emails, I decided to peek on Greysen’s social media page. Her last post was a few hours ago, and that must have been what she was doing when she was getting in the bed when I woke up. It was aphoto dumpas she called it, of pictures of us, her flowers, her gold cards lined up, her boxes stacked on top of each other, Elle, Quinci, and then the last picture was the aerial view photo of us on the yacht, bent over in front me and I’m gripping her waist.

@AmazingGrey: My 27thbirthday was the best birthday I’ve ever had in my life. It was perfect from my dinner with my besties to my surprise visit from my mannn, Big D. (He hates that), and all my gifts. I’m going into this year better and stronger than I’ve ever been. I’m wiser than I’ve ever been. I’m loved and protected fiercely by my friends and my mannn (I am going to be very annoying with this, btw!) that nothing else in the world matters. For a while, I thought God had forgotten about me. I’m so ready for this new journey. Love, GreyD.

When I looked up at her, she’d opened her eyes and was looking at me.


“Good morning, Babygirl. How you sleep?”

“Oh my God,” she stretched. “It seems like I slept on a cloud of cotton balls. How did you sleep?”

“The best I’ve slept in a long time.”

She smiled. “What are you working on?”

“Same ol shit, but I did just update my insurance policies and other shit.”

“For me?”

“For you both.”

“It’s so early.”

“I know. It’s best to get things done early.”

“Is this what you mean when you were saying that you had to prepare?”

“Yeah. Insurance and estate and will-planning. All of that changes once a child comes in the picture.”

“Wait. You’re doing all of that right now, while our child is barely the size of a bottle cap.”

“Yes. Grey, I know that you hate that I live in the future so much, but you are pregnant with my child, so things have to be moved around, in the event ofmydeath.”

“Oh. So, what are the numbers, Mr. Math Man?”

“Well, for starters, if something happens to me before I retire, my child gets my shares of the company to be controlled by Dymon until they are of age to do it themselves or if they want to sell them. You’ll be taken care of for the rest of your life. The penthouse in Manhattan is yours. There is a part in my estate where you get between one to three million a year, depending on how the interest looks for that year.”

“And this is if you die?”

I nodded my head.

“Can you just not think about dying when you just became my boyfriend? Maybe after you’ve become my husband and have gotten on my nerves so damn bad that I want to off your ass myself.”

I held my finger up and pretended to type on my phone. “In the event my death is suspicious, please hold all funds until my wife is cleared.”