Page 152 of Tempted By Danger

I gasped.

“I was only kidding. You can tell me no, at any time. You do know that, right?”

“Yes. But the problem is, right now, I don’t want to tell you no.”

“Now, that…that is a good problem to me, Princess.” He kissed me one last time before Bernard got out and opened the doors for us.

While in Colorado, we came up with a plan to keep everything under wraps for right now. After the six months was up, we’d figure out the rest then. I told him that Iactually lovedworking for him, and if we decided to come out, I could remain professional at all times. Eventhough I believed that he believed me, he still wanted to err on the side of caution.He was even worried about if I could handlethe price of being his girlfriend publicly. He even tried to warn me thatsocial media might bebrutal, and I wouldn’t be able to handle it, but I reassured him that I could handle myself.I could tell that he truly wanted to protect me. So, for now, I was his assistant in public, and his…his girlfriend in private.

As we strolled in tandem across the lobby, his employees stared at him as he smiled and spoke to people.I was just as surprised as them.

“Good morning, Mr. Danger, and Quinci.”

“Simeon. Good morning. Did you enjoy your weekend?”

His eyes widened.“Um, yes. Yes, sir.I got a lot of work done on Friday afternoon. Thank you for that.”


They stared at each other for a few moments before Dymon cleared his throatand looked at the keypad.

“Oh, yes, Mr. Danger.”

He scanned us up to thetop floor.

“See.” I nudged him with my shoulder. “I told you that being nice was fun. You see how he looked at youbecause you were nice to him?”


I wasn’t going to mention the slight tug at his lips. What I learned being with him over the last few months,and especially over the weekend, he really wasn’t who the people made him out to be. He wasreally caring on the inside. It was his parents who made him hard andcold…and Kia.

Their situation wasn’t my problem, but itdefinitely affectedme. Granted, Dymonshould’ve been a little nicer to herduring her pregnancy,but shealso could’ve trustedhis word about it being safer for her in LA.She probably thought he was out with other women, and that was one of my questions also, yet he swore to me that he wasn’t with other women while she was pregnant because he was too busy working. I didn’t know about her, but I believed him.

When the doors opened,Kia sat up straight, eying both of us with a stoic look on her face.

“Good morning, Kia. How was your weekend?”


“That’s good.”

Knowing their situation, it made it easierto be nicer to her because I knew that deep down, she wasmad at herself because of how she treated himregarding their child. Honestly, I knew that deep down, even Dymon had some unresolved feelings for her. Neither one of them would be ableto move on until they both talked about it. Hopefully, I could getthem to sit down and talk about it.

Instead of stopping at my desk, I followed Dymon into his office.He dropped his things on his desk and picked up his iPad.

“Quinci, beforeyou go to sleep, is my iPad prepped for these back-to-back meetings?”

“Yes, Mr. Dymon.Anything else I can do for you?”

When his eyes swept my body, my breath instantly caught in my throat. He knew what that look did to me. It didn’t help that he’d pulled his bottom lip in between histeeth. I didn’tknow how many times I’dtold him that I wanted to ride his dick backwardsin his office chair or holding onto the ends of the desk while he thrashed me frombehind. Or sucked him off while he was on a business call. He ignored every request, saying we had to remain professional at work. He said all that, but then would look me up and down like that, knowing that was all it took to set me off. He didn’t play fair.

I cleared my throat. “Is there anything…anything else?”

“No. I’ll see you when I get back. And take those heels off so you won’t poke a hole in my couch. It’s a blanket in my closetif you’re cold.”

“Do you always have to sound…so…authoritative?”

He stepped closer to me. “Is that a problem?”