Page 153 of Tempted By Danger

Icleared my throat again. “No. You just know…know what that voice does to me. You won’tfuckme here, so I’ll be in heat until we get home.”

His lips spread across his face.

“Mr. Danger…” Kia paused when she approached the door, seeing Dymon staring at me with so much lust in his eyes.

He turned his head slowly and looked at her.

“Roger will not be able to make it to the first meeting, so I’ll be sitting in for him.”

He nodded his head, and she slowly turnedand walked away from the door. We both watched heruntil she disappeared around the corner to her desk.

“Sweet dreams.” He blew a kiss and winked at me.

Every conversation they had was going to have me looking at them differently.Now, I wished I didn’t know their situation becauseit was going to have me looking deeper into stuff that wasn’t there. When I heard the elevator ding, it took everything in me not to go see if they rode the elevator together.

Just chill. You’re delirious.

After grabbingtheblanket, I pulled off my jacket, kicked off my shoes and curled up on his couch. It was so comfortable and big enough to fit two people easily.It didn’t take me long to get in a good spot and fall asleep.

The heaviness of my bladder was what wokeme up.When my eyesopened, there were two people sitting in the chairsin front of Dymon’s desk. Blinking, my vision cleared, and I noticed that it was Dymon’s parents. They both stared at me with very unreadable expressions.There wasn’t any use in pretending that I was still asleep when we’d just locked eyes.

I cleared my throat, sitting up slowly. “Um, hi.” I looked at my watchto see that it was approaching eleveno’clock.

Their eyes bore into me, making me feelincredibly small, so I kept my eyes on the floor asI slid my feet into my shoes and put my jacket on.

“What the…?” Dymonwalked in the office, eyed me, and then looked back at his parents.“What is with all the impromptu visits?Father, youshowingup to my home, and now you two are in my office. What do you need? No, what do you want?”

Dymon walked aroundhis desk and sat down. I wanted to stay because I’d never seen him interact with his parents, but just from the vein thatwas making a lowercase m across the top of his forehead, I knew it wasn’t going to be good. He still hadn’t told me what the visit from his father was about. The tension in the air was so thick you needed a machete to cut through it.

“Time is money. I know this is not a social visit,” Dymon urged.

His mother turnedand looked at me.

“Oh, I’ll go. I’m sorry.”

“She stays.Mother. Father. This is Quinci. I’m sure you already know who she is.”

I waved slightly.

“This is family business, Dymon,” his mother snarked.

“What do you want? Dad, you’ve been trying to butter me up for something, so the quicker you spit it out, the quicker I can tellthe both of you no.”

His mother shifted in her seat. She had on a nice pants suit that you could tell was expensive. Hell, she looked expensive. Her hair was pulled into an updo with a couple of pearlsthroughoutthe style.

“I’m sure you know that your brother is trying to create an app, and—”

He cut his father off.“Ah, I can assume you’re talking about Declan, and the answer is no.”

“He’ll pay, Dymon, if that’s what you want.”

“I mean, even if I was considering it, of course, he would pay me.However, there are other software developersthat he can use.I have to run this business.”

His mother looked taken aback.

“But you’re the best and very efficient at this. Do this as a favor, for me,” his dad all but begged.

He looked at me and then waved his hand out toward them. “This is what I’m talking about. I’m only the best because they want something. Not because I’m actually the best at what I do.”