Page 151 of Tempted By Danger

“I know. Now, about last night…you meant that? What you whispered in my ear.”

He nodded his head.“I wouldn’t have said it, butI’m sureyourinquisitiveasswantsto know why, when, how, where, and all that. Don’t you?” He stuffed some pancakes in his mouth.

I responded with a smirkand a shrug of my shoulder.

“I realized itbefore I had to leave forTennessee, but then I realized it was for real-for real when I was down there. You were really on mymind,and I thought about the endless possibilities that could happen between us. I realized that I’d miss you a lot when I moved back home. I was trying to think of ways to entice you to stay. Ibullshityou not. And then at night, I couldn’t wait to talk to you. It kind of felt like I was back in middle school whenI was waitingonmycrush to call.This shitis happening so fast that I’m slightly scared.If I had come home to you that night, I probably would’ve sabotaged it.I wanted to sabotageit;I swear.”

My eyes widened.

“I’m not used to feelingshitlike that. Iwanted to tell myself it was lust too, but it wasn’t that because I didn’t even think about sex when Iwaslaid behind you, trying to massage the cramps out of your stomach when you were on your cycle.I have gotten accustomed to nearly stumbling over your pumps when I come in. It’s just the little things, honestly.”

I was speechless.

“Now finish eating, so we can plan our day.”

“Where do we go from here, Mr. Dymon?”

“I’ll follow your lead.”

“I’ll rephrase. Where do you want to go from here?”

He chuckled. “I’ll repeat. I’ll follow you wherever you go.”


“I know.”

* * *


It was after seven-thirty,and Iwas lying back against the seat, trying tokeep my eyes open while the man sat next to me with his tea in one hand, and his iPad on his lap.He looked like he stepped off the cover of a GQ magazine in his dark blue pin-striped suit.

We’d just gotten in from Colorado at four-thirty this morning, and the sleep on the jet was roughbecause the man wanted to induct me into the mile high club, and I enjoyed every second of it. I couldn’t get enough of him, and he knew it.Once we landed, we went home, showered, and got in the bed. As soon as I’d started to get comfortable, his alarm went off.

I wished I had myphone to capture the look on his face when I told him that I should take the day off, but then he caved and told me that I could sleep in his office foran hour or two while he was in his board meetings.



“Are you awake?”

“No. No, I’m not awake. I am picturing myself sleeping in the most comfortableking-sizedbed ever, clutching the pillow, smelling the remnants of your cologne.”

“How are you twenty-four with no energy?”

Iglared at him. “Excuse me?Did you really ask me why I don’t have any energy? You are the reason why I don’t have any energy, Mr. Dymon. I was sleeping good on the jet until you put your head in between my legs. If you didn’t have the sexual appetite of acollege freshman, I could’ve gotten some sleep on the jet and in Colorado. You told me Sundays were your day,but yetyou were all up behind me yesterday.”

“Whyyou snapping on me? It doesn’t count when I’m on vacation. The vacation that you wanted, by the way.Didn’t you like me all up under you, though?”

He leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine before pecking my lips.

“Remind me to never take a long vacation with you. Three days max.Or, when I’m on my cycle.”

“I mean, I’ve driven through red—”

“Dymon, we are here,” Bernard cut him off.