“Did you forget about me and Rob?”

“No, but maybe he’ll come back around.”

“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll want to share me if we ever get back together.”

“You never know,” she says.

I shake my head. “I’m not going to even think about that, but what I am thinking about is how I need to get my own set of wheels.”

“I can drive you, or you can take my car.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that, but what would you think about maybe working at a bar for a motorcycle club?”

“For the Grim Reapers?”

I nod. “They have a bar and a club, same building. I might work there too.”

“Do you have to be in the club to work there?”

“Well… I might join. I might be able to get you an in without you having to. I wasn’t sure if that was your thing.”

“I don’t know. It might be fun to get on a bike, but I’m not in the right headspace currently to even think about anything like that.”

“I get it, but the job…”

“The job’s a maybe. Can you get me some more details”

“Sure thing.”

Robyn stops walking. “Are you going to join the club because of the guys?”

“No. I haven’t even talked to them about it. It would be for me.”

"You haven't talked… Who is your contact, then, to get me a possible job?"


“Allie,” she repeats.

“She’s the girl who dated or slept with all of the guys.”

“Ah. I knew that name was familiar.”

I almost forgot I told Robyn about Allie.

“So, I’ll talk to Allie. She’s the one who might hook me up with a bike, but I need a job, and I can’t work at the bar until I’m in the club, so I need another job, and I happen to know of a diner that is hiring and has good food.”

Robyn laughs. “I’ll drive ya. You can do your little job thing, and then we can grab dinner. My treat.”

“I don’t want to take advantage,” I start to protest.

“Nonsense. You were there for me today. It’s the least I can do. We girls have to stick together.”

I link our arms. “Together forever.”

We laugh, and I hope we’ll always have a reason to laugh.