“Maybe you should tell him yourself.”

She’s silent.

“I can go with you,” I offer.

“To talk to the police?”

“Of course.”

I head over to her place, and she tries to stall, but eventually, we head on over. She has to go into a separate room to talk to the office, but I wait for her, and when she comes out, she looks a little less pale than when she first came in.

“Do you feel better?” I ask.

“A little.”

“What are they going to do?”

“They’re going to bring him in and talk to him and see what he says happened. I don’t know if charges will be pressed or not or anything like that. They’ll keep me in the loop, but I have to say that I’m nervous about all of this.”

“I’m sure.”

“I don’t want to ruin his life.”

I grab her hand. “No,” I say firmly. “It’s not about not ruining his life. It’s about forcing him to be accountable for his actions. Would it be fair for him to ruin your life?”

Robyn glares at me. “Why are you so damn smart?”

“I’m a genius, didn’t you know?” I joke.

She opens the door, and we leave the police station. “How are things going with the Grim Reapers?”

I groan as we start to walk back toward her dorm. “Don’t ask.”

“That good or bad?”

“Rob and I broke up.”

“I’m sorry. I know how you felt about him.”

I make a face.

“Does this mean you’ll date one of the others?”

I exhale through my nose. “Am I that obvious?”

"You talk about them all the time. They mean the world to you, clearly. Hell, if I were you, I would get them to agree to be non-exclusive and try to date all of them at the same time."

I cough.

“Yes, I mean just like your friend Erika,” she says smugly.

I wag a finger at her. “You need to stop this.”

“Stop what?” she asks innocently. “Putting great ideas into your head?”

Embarrassed, I rub my nose and look away.

“Ah, so you’ve already thought that.” Robyn winks at me. “You sly girl.”