When I getto the diner, I ask the hostess about the job opening. She hands me a form, and when we tell her we’re also here to eat, she seems happy, and she puts us at a table near the kitchen.

“The manager is in today. I don’t know if he’ll stop out or not, but you can hand him the form personally and maybe talk to him some. An informal, impromptu interview.”

“That sounds perfect,” Robyn says. “You want to hire her. She’s a real go-getter.”

We sit down, and I eye Robyn. “A real go-getter?”

“Yeah. You wanted Rob. You got him.”

“I lost him.”

She waves her hand. “You didn’t lose him, and you might’ve gained the others. Win-win.”

“Seriously?” I groan.

“Hey, welcome to… Hey, are you all right?”

I glance up at the waitress.


Her nametag says it’s Cherise.

“The other night,” Cherise says. “You looked like you were being chased by a ghost.”

“You could say that.” I try to force a smile, but my heart starts to race.

My father came here once. I don’t know how he was tracking me, but he could come back again. He could become a regular. Harass me. Get me fired.

Maybe I should look for work elsewhere.

No. I’m not going to live my life in fear.

Now, my smile is much wider. “I’m fine now. Thanks for your help.”

“You’re going to apply?” she asks. She grins. “Good. I hope you’re hired.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. Um, about what happened…”

I wave my hand. “We aren’t talking about him.”

Robyn has been glancing from me to Cherise like she’s at a tennis match. “Um, I feel like I’m missing something.”

“I’ll fill you in then,” I say. “Do you know what you want to order?”

We order and eat, and I fill out the form. The manager, Greg Olsen, does come over, and we talk for a little bit. He invites me to come back tomorrow during the day, and we work out a time that doesn’t conflict with my classes.

“Good luck!” Cherise calls after we pay our bill and leave.

“I like her,” Robyn says.

“Me too.”

“What Rob did, though…”