I nod happily. “Absolutely. It’ll be fun.”

“Ok awesome, thanks. Oh, and nice work back there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone take on Bianca like that.”

“That’s my girl.” Holden brags.

I smile triumphantly as he puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. I’m glad the bitch met her match. Maybe now she’ll back off.

BRANDON, HOLDEN, AND I all say goodbye to the family and climb into Brandon’s car, pulling out onto the street and beginning the four-and-a-half-hour road trip. I lay down in the back seat and listen to the two boys discuss everything under the sun. It’s amazing to me how they always have something to talk about.

A couple hours into the drive, we stop at a gas station and Holden goes inside to get us all something to drink. As soon as he’s inside the store, Brandon turns to me.

“So, how are you? You know, considering everything that’s happened.”

I run my fingers through my hair as I ponder the question. “I’m alright. He’s trying to gain my trust back.”

“I’m glad you’re letting him. You’re really good for him.”

“I am?”

He nods. “Definitely. I remember last August when he started talking about you. God, he wouldn’t shut up.”

“Wait, August?” I ask, confused. “We didn’t start hooking up until October.”

“No. I’m talking about when he met you.”

Holden’s words from a couple of weeks ago replay in my mind. “I wasn’t even sure if I believed in love, but the moment I saw you – looking all unaffected and fed up with my shit after five minutes – all of that changed.” “I fell in love with you before you would even look at me without utter repulsion.”

“Oh, my god.” I gasp. “So, the whole time I thought we were just fucking around…”

“He was crazy about you, yeah.” He confirms. “When he came home at the end of May, he looked the same way he did when he found out his parents died. For the first couple weeks, he wouldn’t even come out of his room.”


bsp; My jaw drops as I realize everything I thought I knew what’s wrong. Following me out of class when I was having an anxiety attack, caring about my eating disorder, going for a run with me at two in the morning – he wasn’t just being a friend. He was in love with me.

Holden opens the passenger door and climbs back into the car, completely unaware of the conversation he interrupted. “The cashier in there looks like he hates his life.” He says. Brandon laughs while I’m too busy looking at Holden as if he hung the moon. “What? What’d I miss?”

“Nothing. I just love you.”

He smiles and leans into the back seat to kiss me chastely. “I love you, too.”

Brandon reverses out of the parking space and gets back onto the road, sparing one quick glance to wink at me in the rear-view mirror.

WE FINALLY ARRIVE AT my house shortly after 1 PM. My mother and John both greet us as soon as we walk in the door. Although, if I’m being honest, my mother seems more excited to see Holden than she is to see me. I can’t blame her though, he basically saved her daughter’s life – twice.

“Hello darling.” She hugs me, after saying hello to my boyfriend. “Oh, and who is this?”

“This is my brother, Brandon.” Holden introduces them.

My mom’s eyes light up. “Oh! So, it’s so nice to meet you! I’ve heard so much about you.”

I furrow my brows in confusion. “Uh, Mom. I’ve never mentioned him.”

“No, not from you dear, from Holden.” When my expression doesn’t change, she continues. “He was here for a little over a week. You can’t expect us to not have spoken at all.”

“Oh no.” I groan. I can only imagine the things she must have told him, or worse, the pictures he’s seen.

Holden grins broadly. “Oh yes.”