“You’re the worst.”

He doesn’t respond, deciding to raise his eyebrows and wink at me instead. John watches the two of us with a fond look on his face. Meanwhile, my mother orders the maid to bring our bags upstairs.

“Put Kayleigh and Holden’s in Kayleigh’s room, and Brandon’s in the guest room across the hall.”

“That’s really not necessary. We can take them up.” I contest.

She waves me off dismissively. “Nonsense, dear. Besides, there’s something for you in the powder room.”

I roll my eyes. “Bathroom, Mom. You can say bathroom.”

Ignoring her response, I walk into the nearest ‘powder room’ and scoff when I see it. Sitting on the countertop is a home drug test. I should’ve expected this.

“She’s just worried about you.” Holden murmurs, catching me off guard.

“Or she’s looking for a way to force me back here so she can play Mother-of-the-Year some more.”

He shrugs. “Either way, you’ll pass and end up returning to Maine with me.”

I don’t argue it, because he’s completely right. Now, how do I do this?

EVERYONE STARTS TO ARRIVE for the swanky party my mom insists on throwing every year. Holden, Brandon, and I are hanging out in my bedroom when there’s a knock on my door. I excitedly jump off my bed and run over to unlock it, already knowing who it is.

“Em!” I shout as she leaps into my arms. “I’ve missed you!”

“I’ve missed you, too!” She exclaims. “I swear, Ivy League girls don’t compare.”

Holden snickers from where he’s seated on my bed. “You two just saw each other last month.”

“Says the guy who had to bring his boyfriend along because he missed him too much.”

Brandon chokes on his drink as Holden’s jaw drops. “It was your idea!”

I throw my head back in laughter as Emily looks confused. “Wait, you two…”

“They’re best friends.” I explain. “Not actual boyfriends.”

She chuckles. “Oh. I was going to ask if I interrupted something. I mean the door was locked.”

Face-palming, I shake my head and go over to sit back down on the bed. Brandon looks at Emily intently, almost as if he’s trying to figure something out.

“You look familiar. Where do I know you from?” He asks, causing Emily to shrug.

I take Holden’s phone and go to his photos, knowing he has the video of Emily fighting Jade saved somewhere. As soon as I find it, I pass the phone to Brandon. He watches for a second before his eyes widen.

“This is you?!” He looks impressed. “You are a dangerous and incredible woman.”

Holden and I laugh as Emily blushes, looking down at the floor and then back up at him. Oh, this should be fun.

THE CLOSER IT GETS to midnight, the more I get antsy. Being around all these people always manages to trigger my anxiety. However, every time we try to escape, my mother tells me that we need to come back downstairs. It makes me so uncomfortable. Pretending to remember people I really don’t give a shit about is far from my favorite thing to do.

“It’s almost midnight.” Em points out. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Holden and Brandon look perplexed as I smile at my best friend. “You get the blankets. I’ll get the key.”

“Key? What key?” Holden questions.

Instead of answering, I grab his hand and pull him into the kitchen. It takes a few minutes of digging through drawers but I finally find it. I drag my confused boyfriend up the stairs as his bewildered counterpart follows.