He presses a quick kiss to my cheek and nuzzles his face into my neck. “Thank you for loving me.”

A COUPLE OF HOURS later, Holden and I are outside getting some fresh air. I can see the gears turning in his head – something’s off. With Bianca here, the only thing I can think of is that he regrets choosing me over her.

“Are you okay?” I question. He shrugs, leaving me to inquire further. “Is it... me?”

“No.” He looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “No, not at all. You’re perfect.”

I sigh in relief. “What’s wrong then? And don’t say nothing. I know you better than that.”

“I know you do.” He chuckles, looking down and kicking a rock across the patio. “It’s just Bran. I feel like I don’t get nearly enough time with him. I don’t know, I sound like a whiny baby. Ignore me.”

Reaching forward, I take his hands in mine. “No, you don’t. I get it. Being away from Emily is really hard, and you and Brandon are even closer than we are.” I place a small kiss on his chest to soothe him. “Do you want to stay here while I go to my parents for New Years?”

He shakes his head immediately. “No. I want to be with you when the ball drops.”

Another idea comes to mind. “Well then, why don’t you ask him if he wants to come with us? Emily is going to be there, and maybe with him, she won’t feel like a third wheel.”

His eyes light up at the suggestion. “You sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. I like Brandon.” He narrows his eyes, causing me to smirk. “Easy tiger, not like that.”

The two of us make our way back into the party, and Holden goes to find Brandon while I stay with Josephine. Knowing we leave first thing tomorrow morning for Rhode Island, it really couldn’t wait. I take a sip of my drink and nearly choke on it when I hear a girl say something about Bianca going to find Holden. Jo gives me a look, and the two of us go see where he went.

When I finally spot him, he’s leaning up against a wall with Brandon next to him. However, just as I thought, Bianca’s standing way too close for comfort. Holden looks entirely unamused, but when he sees me, he smiles. I glare at Satan in Gucci and push through anyone in my way to get to them.

“Oh, come on.” She flirts, putting her hand on his bicep. “I’ve missed you and I know you’ve missed me too. You can admit it, I won’t tell.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Brandon warns.

“And why not?”

“Get your fucking hand off him before I break it.” I snap, grabbing her wrist and forcefully pulling it away from Holden.

She yanks herself out of my grip and shoots me a dirty look. “Ugh. You’re still around? What’s it going to take to make you go away?”

I roll my eyes. “You know what? I’ve had enough of your shit. I’ve tried to be respectful, but you’re getting on my last nerve.” Moving so that I’m standing next to Holden, he wraps his arm around me. “You two had a fling over the summer - big deal. As soon as he knew he could, he came back to me. You lost. So, how about you just bow out gracefully.”

“You sound like all the other girls he’s been with, yet he always ends up back in my bed.” She remarks, playing with the end of her hair.

Holden’s grip on my waist tightens, but I place the back of my hand on his chest – letting him know I’ve got this. “Look, you can think you’re something special all you want. The reality is, he’s mine now, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Now run along back to whatever bridge you crawled out from under.”

I turn to face my boyfriend and put my hand on his cheek. He reads my mind and bends down to press our lips together. Knowing exactly how to get a reaction out of him, I tug on his hair gently and smile as he moans into my mouth. He turns so I’m pushed up against the wall and grinds himself into me.

“Ugh, disgusting. You two fucking deserve each other.” Bianca spits, before once again stomping away.

Holden continues to kiss me, pressing his whole body against mine. I giggle into his mouth and try to pull away, but there is no room for me to move.

“Babe, she’s gone.”

He moves his hands to my hips and grips tightly. “I don’t care.”

I put pressure on his chest, and after a couple seconds he reluctantly steps away. I put my mouth near his ear and whisper. “Just until we get home.”

He coughs. “Wow. Look at the time. I’m ready to head out.” He announces. “Are you guys ready?”

Brandon laughs while Josephine mock gags. Still, the four of us decide to call it a night and start saying goodbye as we make our way out of the house. I grin evilly at Bianca as she watches us leave. She may have won the battle, but she lost the war by a landslide.

“Hey.” Brandon gets my attention as soon as we get outside. “You sure you’re cool with me coming with you two?”