I wanted it all.

To move hundreds of miles away.

Dorm life with my best friend.

Parties on the weekends.

And I had it. Everything I had pictured when I was a kid, it was mine—until one phone call from my mom threw my life on a whirlwind trip to hell.

One Month Ago

"Okay, honest opinion," Becca says, holding up two dresses. "Red or black?"

I look them over carefully, comparing each one to her skin tone. "Red."

That must be what she was hoping for, because her smile widens and she tosses the red one onto her bed while putting the other back in the closet.

Tonight is the annual Greek Week party at Lambda Kappa Phi, and the whole sorority is going. Last year, it was a rager, and at least four people ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Hopefully, people are a little better this time at managing their intake.

Being in a sorority was never a goal of mine, but when my best friend came bursting into our dorm room and wouldn't stop begging me to do it with her, I couldn't say no. It took a while to adapt, but there's nothing wrong with living in a gorgeous house with a bunch of friends you call sisters.

The sound of “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus fills the room as my phone rings. Becca sings along quietly, not even judging my choice in ringtone. It's a classic, okay?

"Hey, mom."

"Hi, baby," she answers. "How's everything going?"

I put my phone on speaker and place it in my lap. "It's good. Just getting ready for a get-together tonight with Becca."

"Hi, Mama McAllister," Bec shouts across the room.

She chuckles, but something feels off about it. "Hi, Rebecca."

Becca cringes at the use of her full name, but never bothers to correct her. My mom has been calling her that since we were babies, refusing to adopt the nickname she started using in first grade.

"Rebecca, go pick out my outfit," I demand.

She grabs a pillow from her bed and throws it at me, sticking her tongue out when it hits me directly in the face. However, the small sniffle that comes through the phone brings all my attention back to my mother.

"Mom? Is everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah." She tries to cover it up, but fails miserably.


It takes her a minute to answer, and a part of me wonders if she's going to try lying again, but she doesn't.

"Okay, no," she admits. "I really didn't want to tell you this over the phone, but I always promised to be honest with you."

As the next words come out of her mouth, my whole body goes numb. I don't even know if I'm listening anymore as Becca drops everything in her hands and rushes over to my side. It's like my brain is registering all the information coming through the phone, but the world around me is deadly quiet.

A tear escapes from my eye and slides down my cheek. It's the only sign my best friend has to tell her that I'm listening.

"Rebecca, is she okay?" my mom asks. "Why isn't she answering me?"

"I don't know. I think she's in shock."

As rage and anger build inside of me, I grab my phone and chuck it across the room—watching as it shatters against the wall. Becca flinches, but it only makes her hold me tighter. Suddenly, it's like all the hurt and anguish I'm supposed to be feeling rushes over me in waves.