
I can't even say the words out loud. They're too foreign. Too impossible.

"No," I plead. "Not him. He can'

t be..."

Becca rests her forehead against my shoulder and cries along with me. The pain that fills my chest is unlike anything I've ever felt before. It's raw, and aching, and if it was possible, I'd rip my own heart out just to feel the slightest bit of relief.

I don't know how long we sit there. It could be minutes. It could be hours. But the whole house becomes a silent tomb before Becca gets up and offers me her hand.

"Come on," she tells me.

"Where are we going?"

The warm, yet sad smile is one only my closest friend could give me. "To book your flight."


My attention jolts back to where it belongs. Quickly gazing around the room, I notice everyone is out of their seats and making their way to the door, except Charlotte. She's standing over my desk, looking at me like I've lost my ever-loving mind.

"Is everything okay? You spaced out for almost half of class."

I rub my hands over my face. "Sorry. I didn't sleep well last night."

It's not exactly a lie. I didn't. But then again, I don't sleep well most nights.

Charlotte waits for me to collect my things, and the two of us head out.

I have to admit, I never expected to find someone like Charlotte. Someone who doesn't just look out for herself, or isn't trying to be my friend because my dad controls most of the oil in the entire country. I mean, she doesn't even begin to take Becca's place, but she was the first person to talk to me after I transferred to North Haven University, and our friendship grew from there. Granted, it's only been a few weeks, but it's going well so far.

"I'm headed over to Saccatori for lunch with a few friends, if you want to come," she offers.

It's tempting, but I ultimately shake my head. "Thanks, but I can't. Maybe next time?"

The corners of her mouth raise. "Sure."

As we reach the parking lot, the two of us go our separate ways with a quick goodbye. I climb into my car and take a deep breath. I'm not sure how or why my life became such a chaotic mess, but that's my reality now, and the only thing I can do is deal with it.

One day at a time.

One minute at a time.

One breath at a time.

It's the only way to make it through.

THE HOUSE I GREW up in is nothing short of a mansion. In all actuality, I think the only one in this town bigger than mine was the Bradwells’. They're comparable in size, but theirs has a few hundred more square feet. The only reason I know that is because I vividly remember my dad complaining when they built it.

Being the best at everything has always been my father’s goal. It was instilled in him by my grandfather from a young age and just seemed to stick. However, one thing he's never failed or faltered at is being a dad.

As soon as I walk inside, I can hear my mom moving about in the kitchen. I close the door behind me and head that way. Sure enough, I find her making a sandwich. Pastrami, turkey, and cheese—Dad's favorite.

"Paige," she greets me. "I didn't expect you home so early. How was school?"

I shrug and place my purse onto the barstool next to me. "Same as usual. Books, lectures, and assignments."

"Well, no one ever said getting a good education would be fun, but—"