“I would, but I've got a lot of studying to do.”

The passenger door opens as he presses a button. “I just want to go for a ride. It won't take long.”

Being as my only options consist of going with him or driving my Mercedes over a sidewalk to get out of the parking spot, I groan quietly and get in his car. Students stare as we drive away, but it's nothing I'm not used to. Being one of the wealthiest people in this town isn't new to me, and for some reason, that always seems to fascinate people.

“Your grades for last term came in,” he says flatly.

Great. “I know.”

“You only passed by the skin of your teeth. You do realize that, don't you?”

“Yep.” I pop the p with more sarcasm than I probably should, but I can't find it in me to care right now.

He drives through downtown, and all the places I've been avoiding stare back at me. It's all things that remind me of my life before everything went to shit. And no one wants to remember when things were better, because they're not now. They're different. I'm different.

“Your mother is afraid you're going to kill yourself,” he tells me with a grave tone.

A small voice in my subconscious whispers that she should be, but I swallow it down. “Why?”

“Because of your behavior lately. You were expelled from Florida State. You're damn near failing classes at NHU. You're not talking to anyone. And God forbid you come home every once in a while.”

I cross my arms and turn my glance to the window. “I'm fine.”

“Maybe so, but she's worried, and frankly, so am I.” He turns into a parking lot and the sign in front of me reads North Haven Behavioral. “You have an appointment here tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.”

“A fucking shrink?” I growl. “You're sending me to a fucking shrink?”

He takes a deep breath, pressing a finger against his temple. “You need to talk to someone, Jace.”

“No. Absolutely not.” I shake my head. “I'm not going. I'm twenty years old. You can't make me.”

As if he was fully expecting that reaction, he levels me with a look. “If you enjoy having access to your trust fund, you will.”

My jaw drops. “Seriously?”


The whole ride back to campus is dead silent. I should've known something was up. He only wants to go for a drive when he needs to talk about something and is afraid I might cause a scene.

Sure, I could tell him to take my trust fund and shove it up his ass, but then I wouldn't be able to afford the one thing that manages to make things okay. I'd be left to deal with the pain on my own, and I've tried that. They're afraid I'm going to kill myself, but what they don't realize is that taking away my ability to tame the demons inside me could cause exactly that.

We pull up to my car in the parking lot where I left it, and I don't say a word as I jump out. My dad, on the other hand, has different plans.

“I'm just trying to help you, son.”

I snort. “Yeah? Well, threatening me is a weird-ass way of showing it.”

He doesn't try to reason with me or say anything else as I shut the door and he drives away.

Maybe I'm being an ungrateful shit. So my parents worry. Boo fucking hoo. Yeah, I know, poor pitiful rich kid. But their version of caring is to send me to some quack who thinks that because they went to college, they get to tell you how something makes you feel.

Fuck that.

It'd be better if everyone would just leave me the fuck alone.

Leave me to burn in the pits of hell I've ended up in.

Growing up, I always imagined what college would be like. My childhood was practically idyllic, with the perfect parents who gave me everything my little heart desired. But for some reason, I could never stop dreaming about finally being on my own.