“Lucas!” I hear Millie, see her perk up from her place on the chair. She smiles brightly while waving her hand at us and lunges away from her friends and down the two steps towards us. “Fancy seeing you here,” she says while sidling up close to me. Her gaze rakes over me, as if she’s undressing me and I wonder for a moment, what I ever saw in this girl.
She is nothing compared to Rachel.
“Where’s Hunter?” I ask while brushing past her and walking up the steps. My hand remains fastened to Rachel’s and I watch her throw open the door.
“Ugh, that guy,” I hear Millie say from behind us as we walk inside. “I have no clue.”
“He has to be here, Millie,” I say while looking around the place, finding a couple making out on a ripped up couch and several people drinking in the kitchen. “He called me like ten minutes ago.”
I turn around and watch Millie shrug. “Haven’t seen him in a while.”
Rachel groans in annoyance and I watch her turn on her heel and storm up the stairs.
“Hey!” Millie shouts while following after her.
I follow them both and watch as Rachel looks through all the doors, suddenly reminded of another party not too long ago where we found Hunter completely messed up on a couch. “Stop!” Millie shouts while Rachel continues looking through the rooms.
Rachel frowns while crossing her arms.
“Find him?” I ask.
With one shake of her head, my shoulders slump and I stalk back down the stairs. Where the hell could he be? If he wasn’t here, he could be anywhere. I take out my phone. Finding his number, I press the call pad and wait for his answer.
I frown when I hear ringing behind me. “Hunter?” I shout while looking around, finding nothing except the bathroom nearby.
“Wait a minute,” I murmur while pressing on the bathroom door.
It opens slightly, but there is something pushing on the door.
“See, I told you he wasn’t here,” I hear Millie say behind me while I continue pressing on the door.
“Lucas,” says Rachel and I see her hand appear and rest on top of mine. “I don’t think he’s here.”
“Oh, he most certainly is,” I say while pushing harder.
There’s a groan on the other side and the door gives just slightly, showing blood stained tiles and dirty white tennis shoes. “Hunter!” I call.
I tilt my head up, shaking my head and pinching the bridge of my nose. “Can you please stand up so I can open the fucking door?”
“He’s here?” I hear Millie ask in surprise.
I sigh. Really, I have no time for these shenanigans. All I want is to be home, in bed with Rachel, maybe even playing some Mario Kart. But no, I have to deal with this bullshit instead.
“I can’t,” Hunter whines. “Everything hurts.”
I slam my shoulder into the door and I hear a shout. “Fucking stand up now, you asshole and let’s go!”
I hear some scrambling on the other side and the door suddenly opens. I feel my eyes widen and my heart completely stop as my gaze meets Hunter. His face is swollen in black and blue bruises and there’s blood dripping from a cut in his lip. Blood drips from cuts on his knuckles and his white shirt is stained in blood, dirt, and what I could only assume is his own putrid vomit.
“Oh my God,” I hear Millie murmur behind us.
“Hunter,” says Rachel while lunging towards him and wrapping her arms around him.
Hunter doesn’t say anything. His arms hang limply at his side while Rachel lifts her head up. “What happened to you?” She asks, her voice quivering. I frown at the tears streaming down her cheeks and a part of me wants to rip Hunter into two for making her worry so much about him. “Are you alright?”
Hunter stumbles in her arms and his gaze lifts to mine. His bloodshot eyes squint and confusion mars his face as he stares back at me. His lips twitch upwards into a strange grin and in a blink of an eye he bursts into laughter. “I’m fine,” he slurs while stumbling forwards. “Absolutely fine.”