“Dude, I don’t- I don’t, where am I?” I hear Hunter slur on the other line.
I don’t know man, I think in my head, knowing that isn’t the greatest thing to respond with. I have never heard Hunter sound so trashed before. The dude liked to party, yet he kept himself together enough to find his way home. I barely recognize this person on the phone.
“Where are you, Hunter?” I ask instead, hoping to get his sluggish brain moving. Maybe it’ll help him sober up a bit if he takes a look around and asks whomever is near him. Although, it’s not even that late. Probably at most going on ten. How is he so fucked up this early?
Has he been partying all day?
Has he even gone to practice or class?
“I don’t know man,” I hear Hunter answer. There’s some movement and then a groan. “Couch, lying on. I don’t know- I don’t know-”
“Un-fucking-believable,” I mutter while shaking my head.
“There was a party yesterday. Millie’s?”
My brow furrows. “Why the hell are you-” I groan and ruffle my hair, knowing whatever his answer it would just piss me off even more. It doesn’t matter now. Get him home, yell at him later. “Never mind, we’re on our way.”
I hang up, not wanting to hear his stupid voice on the receiving end. I had barely seen him in the past week and sure, I had thought it strange at the time, but I also thought it might be best to give him his space.
I guess I thought wrong.
“Is he alright?” Rachel asks and I inwardly groan, wishing I had Seth with me to help the asshole home rather than her.
This is just going to make her even more upset. Hunter has been acting like a complete jerk to her since we got back from winter vacation and I know, if she isn’t thinking about Josh, she is definitely thinking about ways to resolve her relationship with Hunter.
God this is all just a fucking mess.
“Come on,” I say while taking her hand and dragging her behind me. “It’s about a ten-minute walk.”
“Lucas, just tell me if he’s alright.”
I shake my head, not wanting to talk at all right now. I can’t lie to her. I know Hunter isn’t fine. He hasn’t been for a long time and I think now he has finally reached his breaking point. I know things at home with his mom aren’t great, but I did think they were getting better. His dad was coming home more often, his mom was done with chemo.
I frown while sliding through the snow. The flakes are falling down even harder now and I scowl darkly at the houses surrounding us and the lampposts dimly lighting our path. I’m supposed to be on a date with Rachel and here I am, picking up my messed up best friend, who has been a jerk to not only her, but to me the past several days.
Something has to change.
I’m not going to be dealing with this shit forever. Either Hunter tells us what’s up tonight or tomorrow, or… or…
I groan in frustration and run my hands in my hair. “Lucas,” I hear Rachel murmur behind me.
“What?” I ask, louder than I need to while whirling around to glare darkly at her.
Rachel’s eyes glimmer with unshed tears and I feel myself soften. I pull her close to me and hold her tight, pressing my head against hers while her hands wrap around my waist. “I’m sorry,” I whisper into her ear. “I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
I feel her nod and she gently pushes me away. I watch her wipe her eyes, hear her sniff. I know she’s worried and I am too. But, that’s no reason to be so mean to her. We’re in this together.
“I just need to know if he’s okay,” Rachel says shakily and I can tell she’s close to breaking down.
“He’s fine,” I say while pushing her hair away from her face. “Just a bit drunk. We just gotta get him home. The sooner the better.”
She nods. “Should I call Seth?”
I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. It might be a good idea, although I don’t know if he can get here in time. “Not yet,” I finally say. “I think walking will do Hunter some good.” I take her hand and pull her towards me. “Come. We’re almost there.”
We walk the rest of the way to Millie’s house, which is a two-story townhouse with a porch. I sigh while staring at the house, finding several girls sitting on the porch, covered in blankets, coats, and hats while sharing a bottle of wine. All the lights are on and the bass of some music playing in the background thumps loudly.