“Did Jerry do that to you?” I hear Millie ask, which makes me turn around sharply.
Her gaze turns to me, looking wide and horrified while I ask, “Whois Jerry?”
Millie quickly shakes her head. “You should get him home, Lucas.”
I grab Millie before she can walk away. “Millie, who is Jerry?”
Millie shoves me away and runs into the crowd of party goers. I sigh and grab Hunter’s arm, putting it over my shoulders and stepping towards the exit. “Alright, you asshole,” I mutter while Hunter continue giggling crazily. “Let’s get you home.”
Walking home with Hunter is easier said than done. He continues stepping onto my feet, leaning into me. And the bastard is heavy. I keep looking over my shoulder, wondering if Rachel is fine. She follows us with her head down, making me frown. Well, this turned into a pretty sucky night, now didn’t it? I was supposed to take her mind off things and now she looks even more upset than before.
I hate to say it, or even think it, but maybe it’s time for her to call a quits on Hunter all together. He doesn’t seem to be treating her right and I hate seeing her this way. I turn to Hunter and frown as I watch his head lull back and forth. Can’t he see what he’s doing to her?
I’m both happy and irritated when we finally arrive back to the apartment. Happy that I’m nearly free from lugging this guy all around town. Irritated that I have to lug him up the stairs.
“Pick up your feet, Hunter,” I mutter while taking one step.
Hunter groans and his feet remain rooted to the ground.
“Hunter,” I say, louder this time. “Pick up your fucking feet.”
“You pick them up,” Hunter groans.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
My head lifts to the sound of a door opening and I sigh in relief as I see Seth coming down the stairs, dressed in bagging shorts and a sweater. He pads quickly down the stairs in his slippers and grabs Hunter’s other arm. His worry and horror not lost on me as he stares at Hunter.
“I thought you were supposed to be home an hour ago,” says Seth while helping Hunter up the stairs.
“I did, too, but I got a call from this guy.” I nod towards Hunter who only bobs his head in agreement. His eyes are closed, but his eyebrows are pulled taught.
“What the hell happened to you, Bro?” Seth asks when we reach the landing. “Get into a little fight?”
Hunter’s face contorts into a mixture of confusion and pain as he slurs out, “I don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember or you don’t want to tell us?” I ask in irritation while dragging his body into the open apartment door. Seth and I stride towards the couch and dump his body there while Rachel closes the door behind us.
“Can I do anything to help?” she asks while stepping towards Hunter.
“No, we got it,” says Seth. “You should get to bed. You have your drawing class tomorrow right?”
Rachel doesn’t say anything as she steps closer to Hunter. I move between them, taking her hands and pressing my lips against her knuckles. “Don’t worry about him,” I whisper. “Seth and I will take care of him.”
She sniffs and nods and I watch her turn painstakingly towards her door. “Okay,” she murmurs.
“Goodnight,” Seth calls sadly while she trudges towards her door, her head still bent forward with shoulders slumped.
When I hear the click of her door shutting, I finally release and exasperated sigh, letting at all my frustration and worry in that breath.
“What the hell happened?” asks Seth.
I shake my head. “I have no clue.” I throw an arm in Hunter’s direction and scowl at his sleeping form. “He just called me up and told me to find him.”
Seth kneels in front of Hunter, frowning down at his bruised face. “Should we call an ambulance? Maybe someone should take a look-”
Seth frowns while he rises. “But Lucas he looks-”
“I said no,” I say forcefully and my skin begins to crawl as my eyes narrow on Hunter. “That could get him into more trouble.”