His bald head shines under the natural light shining through the windows and I try to concentrate on that rather than Josh sitting in the room. The professor smiles while he straightens his rumpled tie, made from a yellow and purple polka dotted fabric. His gaze lands on me and I immediately straighten in my chair.
“Welcome to Drawing 101,” he announces to the small class composed of just seven students including myself. “My name is Mr. Brown and this term you will be learning how to create art from the deepest, darkest chasms of your soul.”
I nod, letting his words wash over me, yet I still can’t get Josh’s blue eyes out of my head, nor my screams from last I was alone with him.
It’s nearly two and after my photography class I briskly walk through the quad, walking past Fleet Feet Sports on my way to the Coffee Shop. I briefly look inside, finding Seth busy with a customer, and I make a note to come back later to check my work schedule. And maybe get a much needed kiss.
I bolted out of my drawing class as soon as it ended and attended my last two classes before meeting with the girls. Unfortunately my classes had barely kept my mind off Josh. I don’t know why he was contacting me after so long of steering clear. Did he think a few words of kindness would erase all the bad that happened between us?
The guy needs a reality check if that’s what he’s thinking.
I enter the Coffee Shop, hearing the bell ding as I step inside before slamming close. The place is busy, bustling with crowds of students studying in corners and waiting in line for coffee. Looking around the place, I find Charlie and Lauren sitting at a corner seat near the window, with two chairs with a dark backpack in one and a black leather purse in the other. Charlie stands and waves at me and I quickly walk toward them, stepping over duffel bags and book bags sitting in the small path to them.
“Rachel!” Shouts Charlie whole throwing her arms around me, giving me a tight hug. “It’s been too long.”
I chuckle while pulling away from her, turning towards Lauren who also gives me a hug. “Long time no see,” she says before grabbing her backpack and sitting down.
“Yes, it’s been way too long.”
“Did you order?” asks Charlie while nodding towards the counter, where the long line continues to grow.
I shook my head. “I’ll order later. If I go now, I’ll probably be standing there for the next hour.”
“How was your vacation?” asks Lauren.
I force a smile as I think of Hunter leaving in the middle of the ski trip. “It was good.” I’m still not sure about talking to the girls about this. I’m dating three guys at the same time, well, maybe two now. It’s not like many girls my age are in my situation.
And they’ll probably tell me to say so long to Hunter, which I really don’t want to do.
“Oh, it was good, was it?” Charlie waggles her eyebrows. “You went on that trip with the bros, didn’t you?”
My face heats as I realize what she’s implying. It’s embarrassing enough speaking about sex, but about sex with three men? I’m sure Lauren and Charlie had their suspicions about what me and the bros got up to when no one was or around. Or more like how we did it…
“Yes, I went on a ski trip with the boys.”
Charlie giggles while Lauren shakes her head. “Well, details, girl!” shouts Charlie while smacking the table. “Tell us everything. I gotta know.”
Lauren pats my shoulder reassuringly. “You don’t have to tell us everything, Rachel,” she says.
Charlie scoffs. “Says you. My dating pool has been deader than a doormat. I need someone to live vicariously through.”
I raise an eyebrow and look Charlie up and down. The girl is absolutely beautiful with her perfect blond bobbed hair and her pristine makeup. She reminds me of a doll with her perfect body and her perfect fashion sense. “I highly doubt your dating life would ever be considered dead.”
Charlie sighs, sounding exasperated. “Enough about me. Let’s hear it. I’m desperate-”
“Hey guys.”
My eyes widen as I recognize that tenor voice. I don’t turn around. I just got him out of my head. Why is he here now?
“Josh-y!” shouts Charlie while bounding out of her chair and throwing her arms around the hipster asshole who seems to be following me all around campus.
Lauren smiles as she stands, giving Josh a hug. “It’s been awhile,” I hear her sigh.
My hands grip each other, my leg bouncing up and down. Terror seizes me as I watch Charlie move her bad. Josh steps around the table and sits down across from me. He offers me a small smile, but I can’t do anything. All I can see his him grabbing me, not letting me go.
Charlie says something and I hear Lauren laugh next to me, watch Josh chuckle while he lowers his gaze to the table. Their voices sound distant. My heart is hammering in my chest and I’m finding it difficult to breathe. I need to get out of here before I make a scene.