There’s a spring in my step as I slide my way to class, which is pretty much the only way I can get there. Salt is on the ground, yet it doesn’t seem like the ice is melting any time soon. I hold my coffee out to the side, careful not to spill anything on me as I continue to skate my way to the art building.
Watch me slip and spill everything on myself.
Thankfully, I’m not wearing anything white, choosing to don a thick black coat that reaches my ankles and a black sock hat. My thick blonde curls stick out of it and is tangled in the mess that is my black-and-white striped scarf, which is pretty much a blanket. I plan on wearing it in class, as well. It’s totally freezing today. I can feel the chill biting through my fingers even though I’m wearing thick black mittens. It doesn’t matter. It’s so cold I can barely feel my toes. It’s like I’m not wearing anything, but it seems that my winter clothes are practically useless.
I stomp my feet on the rug as I enter the building, which does nothing since the floors are coated in dark slush. I carefully side-step a student who nearly bulldozes through me, not aware of their surroundings at all as they shout into their phone. Carefully, I step on the floor and gasp as I slip and catch myself from falling on my rump.
That was definitely a close one.
But nothing is going to get me down today. It’s the first day of classes and I’m starting my day with Drawing 101. I’ll be learning the delightful craft of drawing still life drawing, which I’m taking as an elective. Photography is my art, but it’s good to expand my horizons.
And sure, Hunter remained in his room and didn’t say goodbye to me or anything in the morning. It’s fine. He’s his own man. It’s not like it hurt anything. I sniff, feeling a little ache in my heart and finding it difficult to breathe.
Lying to myself hurt. It hurt a lot.
And I really miss Hunter.
I shake my head and take a quick swig of my coffee, enjoying the sugary vanilla taste and allowing it to wash away all the doom and gloom. Yes, just think of how wonderful coffee is, I tell myself while taking another swig. And how wonderful it will be to see Charlie and Lauren again.
I open the door to my drawing class, looking around at the large bright windows letting in natural sunlight and the easels sitting in a circle around a small table. There are a few girls sitting in a corner. One even has the same idea as me with her coat lying against the back of her chair and her mustard colored scarf wrapped around her shoulders like a blanket.
Great minds think alike.
I sit next to her, sliding off my coat and wrapping my scarf around my shoulders. “Hey,” I say to the girls, interrupting whatever quiet conversation they’re having. “First time taking this class?”
They turn to me and Miss Mustard Scarf gives me the up down look while her curly haired friend makes a face. “Yeah,” they say in unison, their tones varying from snooty to ‘don’t-talk-to-us’.
I nod and turn away, releasing a sigh and muttering, “Guess not everyone wants to make friends. Duly noted.”
I peak over the easel, looking at the items on the table and finding a basket with all the cliché items inside such as an apple, a pear, and some grapes. It’s too bad Charlie and Lauren aren’t taking this class. At least I would have someone to talk to.
The door opens and I perk up, wondering if anyone nice would enter, but my eyes widen, finding a very familiar, glasses wearing boy standing in the threshold. His blue eyes meet mine and I feel my heart stop, fear snaking around it like chains pinning me down while his lips twist into a sweet smile.
One I had fallen for before.
I quickly look away and bow my head, hoping somehow the small action would make me invisible. I cling to my scarf, clamping my eyes close while chanting inside my head: go away, go away, go away.
“Hey, Rachel,” I hear Josh say.
My hands shake uncontrollably while I open my eyes, peaking up at him like I’m some sort of mouse having been found by a very fat tabby cat. I watch in horror as he sits down next to me, dropping his bag next to mine while sliding his coat off.
How can he pretend like nothing happened?
“How was your break? I know mine was busy.” He chuckles while shaking his head. “My parents had me pretty busy, driving me all over the place and visiting cousins and aunts. I got loads of presents, but all of them-”
I stand, grabbing my bag and coat in one big heap.
“Hey, where are you going?” I hear him ask while I make my way to the other side of the room, hoping to find a spot where I don’t have to see his stupid face.
“Don’t talk to me,” I say harshly before continuing towards an empty chair. I drop my things down, frowning when I see his pathetic face staring at me all wide eyed and innocent looking. He seriously thinks he’s done nothing wrong and we can just be friends. What the hell. How can he possibly think that? What the hell is going on inside that stupid little head?
I grind my teeth, my eyes clamping close as memories return of him pushing me down on the couch. Of him grabbing my leg as I tried to get away. The bruises on my arms. A shudder ripples down my spine as I chant once again: go away, go away, go away.
“Alright, shall we start,” I hear the professor say as the door clicks close.
My eyes open and I see Josh still staring at me. I grab my easel and move it, blocking my view of him before turning my gaze up at the professor, who is currently leaning against his little table of clichés.