I quickly stand, shoving my chair back. Three pairs of eyes turn to me, wide and curious. “I’m sorry,” I say, my voice sounding funny to my ears. The words stick on my tongue as I force them out, my voice slightly trembling as I continue with, “I just remembered I was supposed to work today.”
I shakily pick up my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” I say, hoping the girls think my fear is akin to me losing my job. I’m still not ready to talk to them about Josh or what happened.
But now I’m realizing I probably should.
What if he does something to them?
“Oh, ok,” says Charlie. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I really need to go,” I say, turning on my heel and trying to make it to the door without running.
“Don’t be a stranger!” shouts Josh as I throw open the door.
The wind blows threw me, biting against my exposed skin. I have no clue where I’m going. My feet are just taking me somewhere; somewhere far away where I don’t have to deal with Josh and his charming smile and his stupid glasses. Somewhere safe, where he will never go.
I step inside Fleet Feet Sports, looking around and finding Seth leaning against the counter. He straightens a smile on his face meant for customers, but it lowers as he takes my shivering form in. I blink back tears while striding towards him, my arms reaching for him, needing his warmth.
“What happened?” he asks while walking around the counter, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.
I nuzzle my face into his shoulder, gasping while I continue to blink back my tears. It’s not working. I’m crying like a big baby. “I had a bad day,” I croak before sobbing into his arms, letting everything out. His hands tighten around me and he strokes my head, shushing me while I continue to cry.
“It’s alright,” he says. “Tell me who I need to beat up.”
I giggle and push him away, wiping my eyes with my scarf and sniffing the snot back into my nose to the best of my ability. I probably look like a complete mess, but Seth strokes the side of my face, pulling me in for a sweet, gentle kiss. I close my eyes, relishing in the feel of him. He caresses the side of my face as his tongue slips inside, stroking me gently. My shivers subside and he ends the kiss. His forehead presses against mine while his fingers lace with my hands.
“Tell me what happened,” he says while tugging me to the counter and sitting me in the chair.
I sigh, rubbing my head while trying to put words together into my head. “It’s Josh.”
Seth’s gaze darkens, and he straightens. I notice his hands fisting at his sides, but he doesn’t move as he asks, “What about him?”
“He’s in my drawing class.”
“Drop the class.”
I frown. “I don’t want to,” I whisper. “I was really excited to take that class. The professor is really nice.”
“Did he say anything to you?”
I nod.
Seth rolls up his sleeves. “I’ll kill him.”
I roll my eyes. Typical jock, solving problems with their fists rather than working it out logically. “That’s not going to help anything, Seth.”
“It’ll definitely make me feel better,” he mutters.
I smile at him, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it gently. “It’s sweet though. Knowing you care so much about me.”
Seth perks up, his chest puffing out and reminding me of a rooster. “I’m sweet, huh?”
I giggle and shake my head, feeling a brief minute of joy, before recalling how Josh sat next to Charlie, talking with the girls as if nothing had happened. “That’s not all.” I sigh, my gaze going to my knees. “I can sit away from Josh during class. And with the professor there, I know nothing will happen. But the girls…” I shake my head.
“You still haven’t told them?”
I try to ignore the anger in his voice and the guilt clinging to my heart. “No. I haven’t.”
“You need to tell them, Rachel.”