ZEKE: ??
FAYE: Your text was really romantic.
ZEKE: Not everyone possesses my textual prowess
ZEKE: Can I sing “I’m on a Boat” when we board?
FAYE: Yes. Along with every other drunk guy in attendance.
ZEKE: I’m not drunk
FAYE: My mistake
* * *
6/14, 8:36 PM
ZEKE: I forgot to ask if Aly is okay?
FAYE: ???
ZEKE: You know, after the whole trapped on a boat with her crush thing…
FAYE: Nothing happened. And even if it did, we are not speaking of it.
ZEKE: Understood.
ZEKE: Okay if I text Lex though?
FAYE: We are not speaking that name in this house
FAYE: (from the backyard) Don’t ask, don’t tell
ZEKE: Understood
* * *
6/17, 11:36 PM
ZEKE: Girl question for you
ZEKE: Do you want a guy to end things as soon as he knows it’s not going anywhere? Or try to make it work, and then end things?
FAYE: I want a guy to not text another woman and ask her how to break up with me
ZEKE: Ouch
FAYE: Dick move, genius. Megan doesn’t deserve that.
ZEKE: Double ouch
ZEKE: So, where does that land me on my question
FAYE: I’m not answering it.
ZEKE: why not?
FAYE: Because I’m not that girl