ZEKE: What girl?
FAYE: the girl who tells her friend it’s okay to dump his girlfriend
ZEKE: She’s not my girlfriend
FAYE: Does she know that?
ZEKE: I’m feeling attacked
FAYE: Then don’t be a dick. Talk to your girlfriend.
ZEKE: Freddy said you guys hung out last night?
ZEKE: How was that?
FAYE: We talked.
ZEKE: That’s not what he said
FAYE: Go talk to your girlfriend
* * *
6/20, 12:10 AM
ZEKE: Sorry, Faye.
ZEKE: I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I didn’t realize you and Megan were friends
ZEKE: She’s okay by the way. She’s such a cool girl.
ZEKE: I really am sorry.
ZEKE: Really.
ZEKE: You there?
* * *
6/23, 3:34 PM
ZEKE: Freddy told me about a party?
* * *
6/24, 9:10 AM
FAYE: 4thof July block party
ZEKE: Cool. When is it?
FAYE: Uh… July 4th. Come if you want.
ZEKE: Wow. What a warm invitation.
ZEKE: Everything okay?
FAYE: It’s fine. You should come.